Is Japan the greatest country of all time?


Live every day like it's your last
Dec 13, 2019
Best country for a weaboo or a CAC maybe.

It's a nice country, but don't be fooled. There is racism and discrimination against minorities (including Koreans) there, they just turn a blind eye to it. It's so ingrained into their culture that they don't notice it.

They have an oversexualized culture that affects women and girls, and are supposed to ignore it (at times, even embrace it)

Plus the school aged bullying that makes western bullying look like a fukkin joke and the low birthrates, and the lack of mental health support and rampant depression and suicide, and declining economy, Yakuza mafia, overwork, I could go on and on. It's in their nature to just ignore these and turn a blind eye to it.

Cacs love it because they still think it's the 1930's and can just walk all over everybody and get treated like royalty and fukk all the women. Plus they're no brehs so they can skip giddy as can be because their #1 enemy ain breathing down their neck, or "sjws" not telling them that watching fictional underage girls get molested is wrong and weird

Weaboos like it because they don't go outside and interact with people and have been so mentally fukked by anime and manga (many of which are made to invoke nostalgia and warm feelings) that they think Japan is some wonderland paradise thats different from their home.

but I haven't been there yet, just going by what I can see and guess

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
Wait, why don't they like Koreans?

Best country for a weaboo or a CAC maybe.

It's a nice country, but don't be fooled. There is racism and discrimination against minorities (including Koreans) there, they just turn a blind eye to it. It's so ingrained into their culture that they don't notice it.

They have an oversexualized culture that affects women and girls, and are supposed to ignore it (at times, even embrace it)

Plus the school aged bullying that makes western bullying look like a fukkin joke and the low birthrates, and the lack of mental health support and rampant depression and suicide, and declining economy, Yakuza mafia, overwork, I could go on and on. It's in their nature to just ignore these and turn a blind eye to it.

Cacs love it because they still think it's the 1930's and can just walk all over everybody and get treated like royalty and fukk all the women. Plus they're no brehs so they can skip giddy as can be because their #1 enemy ain breathing down their neck, or "sjws" not telling them that watching fictional underage girls get molested is wrong and weird

Weaboos like it because they don't go outside and interact with people and have been so mentally fukked by anime and manga (many of which are made to invoke nostalgia and warm feelings) that they think Japan is some wonderland paradise thats different from their home.

but I haven't been there yet, just going by what I can see and guess


Live every day like it's your last
Dec 13, 2019
Wait, why don't they like Koreans?
fukk no, they occupied their country and treated them like dogshyt. Like European colonization, they killed hella natives, replaced the native culture and put themselves on top. Once SK got it's independence, they completely banned any type of Japanese culture until like the 80s

They still don't. Look up Zainichi. Plus Right Wing Japanese fukkkin despise them (and china, but that can be understood sometimes)


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
From what I heard the majority of Black folks’s said they were treated better there than in America. :yeshrug:
Japan is notoriously xenophobic and has had some of the tightest immigration laws of any country to make it nearly impossible for outsiders to come in (currently taking a toll on their economy as their population ages). But, Japanese people also have a culture of respect and order - white black or anything in between (except Chinese and Korean cuz the Japanese hate them nikkas :mjlol:) coming from America, you're going be treated better and/or see the stark difference between a collectivist, respectful culture and a selfish, brute one (USA). That has nothing to do with the institutional cism and prejudice that will hamstring you just as much as it does here.

Yall gotta stop letting pleasant "visits" define the institutional constructs of a country. In my day to day life, I don't have racist interactions with people, yet we know what America is about.

That said, I loved my time in Japan, enjoyed the people, and think it's worth visiting, but it aint no Utopia
May 4, 2012
Japan is notoriously xenophobic and has had some of the tightest immigration laws of any country to make it nearly impossible for outsiders to come in (currently taking a toll on their economy as their population ages). But, Japanese people also have a culture of respect and order - white black or anything in between (except Chinese and Korean cuz the Japanese hate them nikkas :mjlol:) coming from America, you're going be treated better and/or see the stark difference between a collectivist, respectful culture and a selfish, brute one (USA). That has nothing to do with the institutional cism and prejudice that will hamstring you just as much as it does here.

Yall gotta stop letting pleasant "visits" define the institutional constructs of a country. In my day to day life, I don't have racist interactions with people, yet we know what America is about.

That said, I loved my time in Japan, enjoyed the people, and think it's worth visiting, but it aint no Utopia

I lived in Japan for 3 yrs. You pretty much summed their culture up in terms of race relations in 2 sentences but folks are gonna intentionally misinterpret xenophobia as racism and its not the same.

Black folks get treated waay better in Japan than the states and thats with the strict laws and xenophobia. Theres nothing profound or shocking about that statement.

Sad thing is it doesnt take much for a country to treat black folks better. Simply recognizing us as fellow human beings and not super predators puts any country lightyears ahead of the US.


Dec 26, 2016
I haven’t heard much bad things about the country other than the men being soft.

Racism there isn’t as bad as it is in America or Europe, people there are for the most part very friendly. they’re technology is decades ahead of America’s and they have the best public transportation in the world. Tokyo has even been voted the best city in the rate this city series.

What do y’all think?
Despite technology and advancement , The greatest country in the world is based on how you benefit from it. Their are many Japanese Living there working long hours hate their situation and other business cultural contraints. A man living somewhere in Gambia might be the happiest dude with his opportunity and if he has his riches and doing his thing getting over then it is what it is.

Another dude make move to Japan and becomes a success story living his dream. It all depends on your (connections) ,your cash flow, opportunities etc...