Is it safe to say : shedeur sanders = potential goat play action quarterback

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
You must be watching something else, entirely, because the young buck takes far too much time to process to be the best at anything related to play-action.

He holds the ball for too damn long and he doesn't know when to use his feet to get him out of trouble. He gets himself caught up in a mix far too many times than he should.

You sound like a caucazoid in this racist based analysis.
Shedeur makes decisions with poise and maturity beyond what his Linear age is currently.
Especially making decisions in the pocket.

Shedeur is not a reckless gun slinger breh
the result from just last week disprove your ramblings. plus you still making arguments. That were rebuffed at jsu as well.

Plus i know you did not read.
As i said nuffin about time.
he held the ball in the pocket.

I am talking about the fundamental skill of handing the ball off, or keeping the ball via qb play action to read and to pass.

Where again.. if you read.
You would have made a comment on the content.
Not yo goof ass reaction to just a headline.

Then comment.

As this whole make flaug'n as reactive comments. Without reading shyt.
All you coli nikkaz do. Then try to have a dialogue. Showing you skimmed snd have disconnect as a result.

You never watched.
Nor read any content in this thread beyond a headline.
Now when you answer back in delusion. Like some purveyor of cool.
Imma table you up.
As you nikkaz need to learn the source material. Then comment. Stop trying to make comments and you never read about rhe topic you trying to respond to.

nikka came on here like finebaum and got exposed.
We said nuffin about shedeur under duress in the pocket.
You just assumed like some cac ass caucazoid. You thought you could just interject some old ass three year old analysis of sanders. While never actually reading what the content of the thread was about.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
This didn’t need a thread

This is skill is not stressed.
Plus you nikkaz act like y'all cacs on here about black players who Excell.
While never having a real scout based analysis of your own. Nor how to establish any comment on your own.
From your own scouting and analysis.

This ability needed a thread

As there is no other qb in history. Who has shown this mastery of a basic fundamental skill level.
in the history of football consistently every snap.

Art Barr
Apr 30, 2012
Of course fundamental skill is a problem for a fundamentally wack nikka like you.

Now i mma watch.
Yo goof ass run away like usual.

A fter getting clowned in dialogue in debate. As you never have no facts in any discussion.
to aid you ever.

now run away like you always do.

Art Barr
Handing the ball off is such an inconsequential part of quarterback play, that nobody seriously would use that as a seperator to make a thread of. Let alone try to claim someone as potentially the greatest as if there's any definitive scale for that. Next thing you know you're going to make a thread "Is it safe to say: Darius Acuff Jr. = goat at bringing the ball out of the backcourt".

Being able to make decisions within a certain period of time is most definitely a part of play-action, and Shedeur struggles in that department. It's one of the reasons why he's at fault for all the sacks he takes, because when actions blow up, he hasn't developed the awareness to either get rid of the ball or use his feet to get him out of trouble.

I don't even need to lace em up for you. I just let you get them 1s when you think you've cleared the ball. You scoring buckets for me, lil old ass nxgga.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Handing the ball off is such an inconsequential part of quarterback play, that nobody seriously would use that as a seperator to make a thread of. Let alone try to claim someone as potentially the greatest as if there's any definitive scale for that. Next thing you know you're going to make a thread "Is it safe to say: Darius Acuff Jr. = goat at bringing the ball out of the backcourt".

Being able to make decisions within a certain period of time is most definitely a part of play-action, and Shedeur struggles in that department. It's one of the reasons why he's at fault for all the sacks he takes, because when actions blow up, he hasn't developed the awareness to either get rid of the ball or use his feet to get him out of trouble.

I don't even need to lace em up for you. I just let you get them 1s when you think you've cleared the ball. You scoring buckets for me, lil old ass nxgga.

nikka fails at basketball posting.

Then makes a wack post.
Centered around your just as flawed basketball postings.

That is how.
a no skill in every aspect of his life like you. A literal no talent. Gonna try to create a barometer.
on someone's skill.
When you never drew a dime nowhere and yous not skilled at shyt.
Just like I said. Imma clown yo goof no talent ass. Trying to flaug and always fail. Like some purveyor of cool. When you have never known wtf .
you was ever talembout in dialogue in yo life.

Plus you not skilled at a cot damn thing. To even utter about anyone being skilled in anything.
No matter how you view it.
as big or inconsequential.
As you have no cognitive experience. in being skilled. To make a comment.
on what skill should someone be praised for.

no wonder you never did shyt in yo life. you live in a never was mindstate. where just because you self equate your lack of skill. You not qualified to speak about skill. As you have no experience to talk about the subject. Plus never actualized anything remotely close.
to being skilled at anything ever.

Art Barr
Apr 30, 2012
a no skill in every aspect of his life like you. A literal no talent. Gonna try to create a barometer.
on someone's skill.
You're creating a scale on an exiguous skill like handing the ball off, when it's not even remotely close to a high-end motor skill of quarterback play, and really just something that is a footnote, that is a mere fiber of a string to one's bow.

Nobody is going to take you seriously with this thread because you're hedging your shyt, and will use it in the future to claim something completely unrelated to your initial point of making it, but then bob and weave if it's ever brought up if Shedeur doesn't end up being a success in the league, claiming it's other parts of his play he didn't bring up to speed.

You relate to handing the ball off because that's all your non-skilled ass could do; handing the shyt off to someone else to do all work.

You damn right we not the same.

Now watch this thread die.


Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
You're creating a scale on an exiguous skill like handing the ball off, when it's not even remotely close to a high-end motor skill of quarterback play, and really just something that is a footnote, that is a mere fiber of a string to one's bow.

Nobody is going to take you seriously with this thread because you're hedging your shyt, and will use it in the future to claim something completely unrelated to your initial point of making it, but then bob and weave if it's ever brought up if Shedeur doesn't end up being a success in the league, claiming it's other parts of his play he didn't bring up to speed.

You relate to handing the ball off because that's all your non-skilled ass could do; handing the shyt off to someone else to do all work.

You damn right we not the same.

Now watch this thread die.


Now cue your wack deflection level posting
All to cover up you never read.

You should ruaway.

So your talking point do not gdestroyed like usual. Since you skim.
You fail to even know what was said. Then make a comment centered around not reading rhe source material. Or any actual content. Then get dismissed.
I hope you stick around in this thread. So I can quote points you skimmed. Then destroy you like usual.

Now after I handled all your deflection and wack emo content.

You are gonna run away and never make any relevent counter point.

Now bring up old shedeur talking points again. So i can up shyt from three years ago to counter and dispute your self hate meets cac caucazoid posting. that is demonstrative to black qb's. Plus been disproved.
in general on the field of play after segregation.

your talking point is good ole boi.
Makes sense coming from someone.
who is a culture thief making a mockery of Gil scott.
You such a goofie.

When you made that egregious goofie culture theif ass name.
You c00n.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
If you come in here and spew some cac caucazoid racist black qb comments.

Stick around.
.so I can expose you did not watch anything and post the time stamps.

To expose yo c00n ass.

Art Barr


<--- Cleveland Browns winning that many, boi!
Jul 28, 2012
You must be watching something else, entirely, because the young buck takes far too much time to process to be the best at anything related to play-action.

He holds the ball for too damn long and he doesn't know when to use his feet to get him out of trouble. He gets himself caught up in a mix far too many times than he should.
Feb 5, 2016
You sound like a caucazoid in this racist based analysis.
Shedeur makes decisions with poise and maturity beyond what his Linear age is currently.
Especially making decisions in the pocket.

Shedeur is not a reckless gun slinger breh
the result from just last week disprove your ramblings. plus you still making arguments. That were rebuffed at jsu as well.

Plus i know you did not read.
As i said nuffin about time.
he held the ball in the pocket.

I am talking about the fundamental skill of handing the ball off, or keeping the ball via qb play action to read and to pass.

Where again.. if you read.
You would have made a comment on the content.
Not yo goof ass reaction to just a headline.

Then comment.

As this whole make flaug'n as reactive comments. Without reading shyt.
All you coli nikkaz do. Then try to have a dialogue. Showing you skimmed snd have disconnect as a result.

You never watched.
Nor read any content in this thread beyond a headline.
Now when you answer back in delusion. Like some purveyor of cool.
Imma table you up.
As you nikkaz need to learn the source material. Then comment. Stop trying to make comments and you never read about rhe topic you trying to respond to.

nikka came on here like finebaum and got exposed.
We said nuffin about shedeur under duress in the pocket.
You just assumed like some cac ass caucazoid. You thought you could just interject some old ass three year old analysis of sanders. While never actually reading what the content of the thread was about.

Art Barr