Who are the top white male comedians out right now? I bet half of them haven't worn a dress, and it's not just black comedians either. Wesley Snipes, Vingh Rhames. I don't think Denzel has though.
idk who is the top white male comedians?
i guess louis c.k, dudes like 40-50 he's def dressed up like a woman at smoe point rather through some comedy improv or some shyt.
dane cook did it didn't he?
who else is a famous white comedian
i can't even think of any atm lol
robin williams obv did it, and is the biggest example by far of a comedian doing that IMO other than madea
dressing up as a woman is an old comedy thing though idk how else it could be explained. if u never payed attention to comedy/theatre and that type of arts u might not understand how often dressing like a woman was used to get laughs. It wasn't always viewed as a freaky/wrong thing, most likely because the idea of transexuals and wierdos dressing like woman and wanting to be woman wasn't prevalent like it is today, it was always viewed as just goofy and funny. Whites were dressing like woman on camera before blacks were even allowed on camera lol.