Kunty McPhuck
Scust Szn has Returned
Apart from the Special Olympics it's impossible to make everyone a winner. Life isn't like that, where everyone wins, we all know that isn't true.
People saying anyone can be over is foolish
Its more than just getting Ws, wrestler needs to connect with the crowd
Look at Roman, is he over? Id say thats debatable and he wins all the time
I look at Apollo Crews, the Revival for example.
In nxt, both acts were super over....now on the main roster they are basically jobbers.
I personally don't think it has to be that way. They shouldn't lose every match to the point where crowds are basically indifferent to them now. Its hard to break a character out of that. The New Day were basically there as solo acts before that gimmick.
But guys like Duggan, Koko, Piper etc were super over in the 80s without even sniffing a title run. They were over bc they simply weren't relegated to being jobbers.
Maybe they need to bring back actual jobbers bc wasting great talent like Apollo, the Revival and others is just throwing money away.
Not everyone can win but most should at least be in engaging storylines.
If all they do is just wrestle, then their W/L record will matter much more than it should and won’t get over for being losers.
WWE has the resources to make stars, more than NJPW, but they only care about caring for the big fish; which for them is OK.This......
Lucha Underground is currently the best and most recent example of how to do it or how it’s done.
For shows to that crowd, 98% of their roster gets a pop or reaction during matches
Not all winners but in a sense everybody could be over if WWE really wanted that.
People saying it’s not possible must be forgetting how the whole damn roster was over in 98, 99 and 00.
With the women’s evolution going on right now though WWE cares so little about lower midcarders like Apollo and Ascension, especially with the women being bankable merch sellers.
also just because a Wrestler been wrestling for 11 years like people in NXT doesn't mean they should be given pushes soon as they get to SD or Raw it makes certain people look bad to lose to someone in "development"