to be fair they have hit the injury bug with Urlacher, and ran into a tougher part of their schedule.
So they were pretenders all along, everyone got some injuries.
And Cutler been shytty the whole year.
They were fraudulent from day one.
to be fair they have hit the injury bug with Urlacher, and ran into a tougher part of their schedule.
I'd suggest taking some bass out of your posts when addressing me. I upped this like a month ago after OP's team spanked ya'll
Hey what happened to the Bears, not even in the playoffs as of now.
Where is them Cutler backs btw? QB's with a higher QB rating than Cutler
I'd suggest taking some bass out of your posts when addressing me. I upped this like a month ago after OP's team spanked ya'll
Ya'll really hate Chi, don't you? I never seen more hate threads for 1, we don't care
Ya'll really hate Chi, don't you? I never seen more hate threads for 1, we don't care
I could care less about Chi, where is the other threads i`ve made about Chi?
I hate Cutler that is a fact, mostly because he is a complete scrub and a douchebag to boot.
Chicago is cool with me otherwise.
Cutler isn't a scrub, he could ball when he's protected...he just ain't protected much sooooo there's that. Otherwise, fair enough...
Hate? How did you decipher hate from my post? This is the same team that if you look up my posts I picked them to finish at the top of the NFC. Chicago fans that one thing. But the team, I dont care about at all.
call it what you will..those little jabs don't hurt our team. Losses do.
Not trying to, but it's the truth. I never seen a QB get more excuses made for him than Jay Cutler.
They brought in his girlfriend Marshall and this team still aint shyt.