Hold up, you tryna say the rock had better matches than HBK?
Oh no...the fans are saying it
let's see..
Michaels vs Austin...most comments say Michaels was a broken down fossil of a chump at this point with his so called back gimmick deal. Just a title change match.
Rock vs Austin at WM 17....the greatest WM main event of all time.
Rock vs HHH Backlash 2000. One of the greatest main event matches of all time. 4 1/2 Stars. ALL TIME legendary ending.
Michaels vs HHH at Royal Rumble 2004 or Summerslam 2002...Summerslam 2002 needed gimmicks and weapons and the Rumble match was so hated that the fans chanted "BULLshyt". They were so sick of them facing other by Mania that the NY crowd totally shytted on both of them for Benoit.
Jericho vs Michaels at WM 19...I'll use that one since they had so many gimmick matches in 2008. Very good but Jericho was the better performer and the crowd popped louder for him throughout the match mocking Michaels. Didn't hold up well compared to how fans view Rock vs Austin III these days as the stand out of that show.
Rock vs Jericho No Mercy 2001....certified 2001 classic. The match that put Jericho over in the main event with a MUCH hotter crowd and higher stakes.
The Rock vs Taker vs Angle Vengenance 2002 title match is a classic.
Taker vs Michaels? WM 25 No one even speaks of it anymore and now fans are taking back the rating after closely watching the match more than once. Just like that.
Rock vs Hogan WM 18. Match of the Year 2002. Icon vs Icon. Last legendary match in pro wrestling. Great Rock carryjob of someone 20 years older than him with a fukked up hip at the time.
Hogan vs Michaels Summeslam 2005. A laughing stock match shytted on and ridiculed on youtube and anyone who has ever reviewed the match.
Rock vs Angle NWO 01. Classic. Ref botch but 4 1/2 stars.
Angle vs Michaels WM 21. Considered overrated because of the finisher happy goofiness and no selling by both....originally rated highly but didn't hold up by the standards of today's fans.
Rock vs Benoit Fully Loaded 2000. 4 Stars. Red hot crowd. Great performance by both legends and the false finish had the crowd throwing trash at Benoit. That's emotion..that's storytelling..that's greatness.
Michaels vs Benoit in Phoenix on Raw. Michaels stated hometown cheers for Benoit and he gets outwrestled by Benoit for like the 5th time that year. Ends on a sham.
Just how it is.