There's nothing wrong with a gap. Attractiveness isn't one thing or look, and I dont even consider a gap to be an imperfection.

ok, sure.
There's nothing wrong with a gap. Attractiveness isn't one thing or look, and I dont even consider a gap to be an imperfection.
Women love men with gap teeth and flaws
Is this true
thought it was a sign of beauty in parts of africa.
I dated a girl who had gap teeth, then got her teeth fixed, then got the gap in front back. She looks better with the gap... still gorgeous but the gap makes her distinctive. Gap doesn't matter, all that matters for teeth is that they are all there, they are clean and they are straight/symmetrical.eddie murphy looks good with it, but everyone else gets their shyt fixed. jamie foxx did, zac efron did, nic cage did, etc ....... fckd up teeth is a no go.
im west african, no its not. a beauty spot is a sign of beauty you know one of these.
anyone here look past gap teeth or it doesnt mean a thing.
When i was in elementary and middle school it was a big deal...not so much now
my wife has a gap so did my 5rd grade teacher.. what my teacher had was a tooth space like gap, my wife is half of that which adds to her cuteness, kinda like what kiesha cole had.