Is Breaking Bad that good? I'm finding it boring


Empire strikes back
Apr 30, 2012
The Yay
i completely disagree about season 1&2 rivaling the wire, after the 3rd ep of the wire i was hooked, bb...nope, i just kept watching cuz everyone said i should. and while you named all those turning points in season 2 & 3, they were so far spaced apart, so many episodes were just filler IMO...i'm like you can't go from idling at 10mph (season 1-3) to trying to hit 65mph in under 4 seconds (middle of season 4-5) while driving a doge neon - especially with all these events supposedly having happened in the course of one year.

anyway, i'm not disparaging the show, i think the acting is good and the layers of each character are interesting, but overall i don't think the story line is very strong and i have zero connection to any of the main characters. and you gotta understand, i started watching this based on everyone claiming it to be a GOAT show - it's not touching any of my GOAT shows, it's that next step down, floating somewhere with Lost and Entourage

see I think were looking for different things in shows..I love the deliberately slow pace of early BB...its like a novel. if I want to see something entertaining and crazy twists and turns...theres fast food shyt like prison break where its literally the only redeeming thing

its a show where you sit down and sip like grand marnier and henny

and that 10 mph to 65 in 3 seconds thing is great
you cant always go 65, the value of going 65 is down if youre always going that speed. its kinda like overcompressed music-every sound sounds loud.

that fly episode where literally all episode is chasing a fly and talkin one of my favorite tv episodes ever