Is black supremacy achieveable ?

Jimmy from Linkedin

All Star
Oct 10, 2017
Managing Director at Breh & Breh, Inc
In your opinion which Black nation has the most chance of being a nuclear power?

As for this topic question Blacks would need to be as ruthless as Whites and be the things they hate about White people.

For some reason we have forgotten that we have previously done this.

I led them from Northern Isle [and] Gate of Iyhotep [in] the district of Horus-lord-of-truth while being in this rank. ----------- . I determined the number of these troops. It had never been determined by any servant.

This army returned in safety,
It had ravaged the Sand-dwellers' land.
This army returned in safety,
It had flattened the sand-dwellers' land.
This army returned in safety,
It had sacked its strongholds.
This army returned in safety,
It had cut down its figs, its vines.
This army returned in safety,
It had thrown fire in all its [mansions].
This army returned in safety,
It had slain its troops by many ten-thousands.
This army returned in safety,
[It had carried] off many [troops] as captives.

His majesty praised me for it beyond anything. His majesty sent me to lead this army five times, to attack the land of the Sand-dwellers as often as they rebelled, with these troops. I acted so that his majesty praised me [for it beyond anything].

Told there were [marauders] among these foreigners at the nose Gazelle's-head, I crossed in ships with these troops. I made a landing in the back of the height of the mountain range, to the north of the land of the Sand-dwellers, while half of this army was on the road. I came and caught them all and slew every marauder among them.

I saw Dr. Kamau Kambon speak not too long ago and he made a really interesting observation. He talked about how he walked into a car parts store full of white people and everything they were doing stopped, all their attention was focused on him when he walked in. From then he understood that We are on Offense. Everything that they do is reactionary, is defensive. Onitaset Kumat of African Blood Siblings writes in his work, The Pro-Black Compendium,

The Heru Wars are forgotten by us but remembered clearly by eurasians. And it tells is that we must organize ourselves to their annihilation, for they are organized for ours, and our ancestors organized for theirs. Said differently, the white man knows the Black man is violent. The Black man doesn't know, but must know if he intends to survive and thrive.

That same Black Man that would lament this necessity, imho, is highly likely to be tied and identified with his brainwashing and not really all that understood with Ourstory. I definitely, up until recently thought like that. I do not want to start shyt, but I would like to be able to finish said shyt if it got started.

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Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
As for this topic question Blacks would need to be as ruthless as Whites and be the things they hate about White people.

No thanks I have no interest in oppressing other groups or making them feel inferior.

I cosign these. Though some people may say it makes us have less aspirations, I would say as far as large groups are concerned, Black people are the least concerned about ruling someone else's shyt. 99% of Black people just want equality, justice, wealth, and education at world class levels. After that we would be straight. Though Africa had great empires they weren't really ruling outside of Africa so unlike Europeans, Asians, and Arabs we aren't nostalgic about killing, raping, and ruling anyone else. I am happy we aren't pathological power freaks.

Marcus Garvey said in EMANCIPATION DAY AT LIBERTY HALL, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. January 1, 1922

"As by the action of the world, as by the conduct of all the races and nations it is apparent that not one of them has the sense of justice, the sense of love, the sense of equity, the sense of charity, that would make men happy, and make God satisfied. It is apparent that it is left to the Negro to play such a part in human affairs—for when we look to the Anglo-Saxon we see him full of greed, avarice, no mercy, no love, no charity. We go from the white man to the yellow man, and we see the same unenviable characteristics in the Japanese. Therefore we must believe that the Psalmist had great hopes of this race of ours when he prophesied “Princes shall come out of Egypt and Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hands unto God. “If humanity is regarded as made up of the children of God and God loves all humanity (we all know that) then God will be more pleased with that race that protects all humanity than with the race that outrages the children of God."


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
For some reason we have forgotten that we have previously done this.

I saw Dr. Kamau Kambon speak not too long ago and he made a really interesting observation. He talked about how he walked into a car parts store full of white people and everything they were doing stopped, all their attention was focused on him when he walked in. From then he understood that We are on Offense. Everything that they do is reactionary, is defensive. Onitaset Kumat of African Blood Siblings writes in his work, The Pro-Black Compendium,

That same Black Man that would lament this necessity, imho, is highly likely to be tied and identified with his brainwashing and not really all that understood with Ourstory. I definitely, up until recently thought like that. I do not want to start shyt, but I would like to be able to finish said shyt if it got started.

If you are enjoying these book links definitely click thru thecolis amazon referral!!

Everyone in the Root loves African history from Egypt onwards...but that doesn't mean we cosign random extreme hotep bullshyt implying genocide. Seriously dude?


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
In your opinion which Black nation has the most chance of being a nuclear power?

As for this topic question Blacks would need to be as ruthless as Whites and be the things they hate about White people.
I would say South Africa. If Nigeria ever were to get it together(which is unlikely #FreeBiafra),Ethiopia or maybe Angola.
During the Haitian Revolution Dessalines was just as ruthless as Rochambeau and crushed the French presence in Haiti. Only black people are looking for a system of justice while the Arabs,Asians,Persians, are looking to not only defeat white supremacy but to set up their own system of power. Its like Chinese history. A dynasty is overthrown you replace it with another. Now I am not for setting up jim crow laws against whites or oppress them. All I want is African nations to have the same amount of power as the West or Asia. Like I said either you conquer or be conquered. I want it to be a point that just like how the west thinks twice on going to war with Iran they think twice in sending troops to Ghana or Angola.
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Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
You are becoming my favorite poster. Pause...:dame:

SA basically had nukes in the tail end of apartheid. Look up the Pelindaba reactor and Research Centre. They had six though they were a low-yield more basic type. They were about to test in the late 1970s but the Soviets found out about it and told the US and Europeans who pressured them to stop. There are rumors, with some circumstantial evidence, that Israel collaborated in sharing knowledge at the time and there was a clandestine joint test over the Indian Ocean. Israel would need this since there is no room to test in Israel. Part of the rumors were Israel was going to supply SA with missiles that could deliver miniaturized nukes in the warheads but this never happened and whether this deal actually existed is in doubt.
Yeah, I heard about South Africa having nuclear weapons towards the end. That is one of the reasons why they quickly got rid of them once apartheid ended. But man a apartheid South Africa with Nukes would have been DANGEROUS for Africa. Especially Southern Africa.

Of course when apartheid fell and Mandela took over they got rid of the nukes in the interests of "world peace". Can't have kaffirs with WMD can we?
An ANC South Africa with nukes would have been able to insert their will in Africa while deferring Western influence.

Besides SA I would say the best placed countries (from a human capital and resources perspective) would be Nigeria, Egypt, and maybe Algeria. Nigeria has relatively good universities like in Ife and has the highest scientific output on the continent in terms of papers. They have the people to make nukes if they wanted, especially if some people in the diaspora helped, but the thing is nukes aren't conceptually hard, the obtaining of enriched uranium or plutonium is the big obstacle. Once you have that good engineering can get you a basic nuke. That is why all the pressure on Iran is stopping enrichment. I don't believe Netanyahu's fearmongering but it is true if they had weapons grade material Iran could probably get a bomb going in under a year or two. Enrichment is a long and difficult process though, especially under sanctions.
Egypt and Algeria DO NOT identify as majority Black countries tho. So they don't count. I agree with Nigeria however. A nuclear armed Egypt would be bad news for the rest of Africa.

SA got its reactors and fuel from the US so they had an easy start. This went all the way back to the 1960s before the sanctions.

Never knew that.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
I would say South Africa. If Nigeria ever were to get it together(which is unlikely #FreeBiafra),Ethiopia or maybe Angola.
During the Haitian Revolution Dessalines was just as ruthless as Rochambeau and crushed the French presence in Haiti. Only black people are looking for a system of justice while the Arabs,Asians,Persians, are looking to not only defeat white supremacy but to set up their own system of power. Its like Chinese history. A dynasty is overthrown you replace it with another. Now I am not for setting up jim crow laws against whites or oppress them. All I want is African nations to have the same amount of power as the West or Asia. Like I said either you conquer or be conquered. I want it to be a point that just like how the west thinks twice on going to war with Iran they think twice in sending troops to Ghana or Angola.

Daassaline is was VERY ruthless. True. But he and the Haitians were mostly in the role of "defense." The Haitian revolution was mostly Blacks on the defense. When it comes to White Supremacy they mostly play by Offensive role. Invading and subjugating other groups around the world to sometimes exterminating said groups. All this for their OWN benefits. Some may call this imperialism. Dessaline while ruthless(even committing a genocide) was not in that role. He killed the Whites off to be sure they would never be a threat/enslave them. The Europeans laid genocide against the Native Americans to take their land/resources. Reading the Coli and their dislikes for Whites, they don't as a whole have that mindset or agree to it.

I agree with the bolded. Thats why I am asking you and other Coli posters are Blacks really ruthless enough to do what other groups do? Because reading the Coli they complain about the barbarity of these groups.

When it comes to imperialism... The Black nations that can potential be good at it would be Ethiopia,and Somalia because they ALWAYS been about expansion.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
An ANC South Africa with nukes would have been able to insert their will in Africa while deferring Western influence.

Egypt and Algeria DO NOT identify as majority Black countries tho. So they don't count. I agree with Nigeria however. A nuclear armed Egypt would be bad news for the rest of Africa.

Thanks for the compliment!
That is true, ANC may not have taken a strong pro-Africa role with that kind of firepower. Who would they use it on anyway though :yeshrug:

Yeah you are right about Egypt/Algeria. I was just thinking Africa as a whole.

Ethiopia is too poor and doesn't have the people yet to do this (though I know some Ethiopian physicists) but they could get nuclear ready when they get on the come up. However, right after the cold war and Mengistu's end, some Ethis I know were telling me there were rumors the Soviets had given some type of radioactive material to the Mengistu government and rich Arabs were reportedly in Ethiopia asking around about it in the mid 1990s. This story could be 100% bullshyt but it was what I was told.

The thing is, most nations acquire bombs when someone they hate is doing the same or they are trying to wield oversize influence. SA did it reportedly to deter the Cubans/Soviets but reportedly wanted long range missiles to wield power over Central-South Africa. India got nukes b/c China, Pakistan b/c India, N. Korea b/c of US and China. Brazil and Argentina's programs fed on each other. Unless the West or China tries to militarily dominate Africa I don't see anyone bothering. It's a lot of money and negative publicity unless you are in survival mode.

Jimmy from Linkedin

All Star
Oct 10, 2017
Managing Director at Breh & Breh, Inc
Everyone in the Root loves African history from Egypt onwards...but that doesn't mean we cosign random extreme hotep bullshyt implying genocide. Seriously dude?

Reading the Coli and their dislikes for Whites, they don't as a whole have that mindset or agree to it.

I agree with the bolded. Thats why I am asking you and other Coli posters are Blacks really ruthless enough to do what other groups do? Because reading the Coli they complain about the barbarity of these groups.

We currently are not. I apologize for my contributed confusion as I was speaking towards a longer frame of time than in my/our lifetimes. I think it is more of us actually tapping into everything that makes us supreme in every other arena and arena-type venue on Earth. I also think that this would enable us to accomplish more of what we need to develop as the tangible markers of Black supremacy/Abibifahodie. Thank you for your patience, I am still learning and learning well here.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
We currently are not. I apologize for my contributed confusion as I was speaking towards a longer frame of time than in my/our lifetimes. I think it is more of us actually tapping into everything that makes us supreme in every other arena and arena-type venue on Earth. I also think that this would enable us to accomplish more of what we need to develop as the tangible markers of Black supremacy/Abibifahodie. Thank you for your patience, I am still learning and learning well here.

No need to apologize.

The D-List Vet

Being in a recommendation system.
Apr 25, 2014
In your opinion which Black nation has the most chance of being a nuclear power?

As for this topic question Blacks would need to be as ruthless as Whites and be the things they hate about White people.
This.will never happen. we are not Evil people like White people :yeshrug: like most people have said we just want a system of justice in place but i know i will die fighting this system for my future kids to have a better life then what i have to go thought:ehh:


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
Daassaline is was VERY ruthless. True. But he and the Haitians were mostly in the role of "defense." The Haitian revolution was mostly Blacks on the defense. When it comes to White Supremacy they mostly play by Offensive role. Invading and subjugating other groups around the world to sometimes exterminating said groups. All this for their OWN benefits. Some may call this imperialism. Dessaline while ruthless(even committing a genocide) was not in that role. He killed the Whites off to be sure they would never be a threat/enslave them. The Europeans laid genocide against the Native Americans to take their land/resources. Reading the Coli and their dislikes for Whites, they don't as a whole have that mindset or agree to it.

I agree with the bolded. Thats why I am asking you and other Coli posters are Blacks really ruthless enough to do what other groups do? Because reading the Coli they complain about the barbarity of these groups.

When it comes to imperialism... The Black nations that can potential be good at it would be Ethiopia,and Somalia because they ALWAYS been about expansion.
Pretty much what I mean. I really do not want black imperialism. Africa has enough resources to sustain itself. I just want powerful African countries where they do not fall victim to exterior threats. For example France can invest in Iran or China. However they cannot send troops to protect their interest their without starting a bloody war. The lack of powerful African nations is really sad and disturbing. And shows they will fall victim to foreign intrigue. Meanwhile the UK can send troops into Angola of they wanted too. If Africans are truly against Western intrigue they have to develop strong militaries or be experts in guerrilla/asymmetrical warfare.

And to the point of Dessalines. He killed off the White frenchmen and women because they owned slaves. He didn't kill the Polish soldiers that defected to the Haitian side. Matter of fact the Polish soldiers were mad honorary black citizen by Dessalines. The coli would have called him a c00n for that :lolbron:. The descendants of those Polish soldiers still live in Haiti. His killing of the whites French owners were justified. Because they would always be an internal threat to the future of the island.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Thanks for the compliment!
That is true, ANC may not have taken a strong pro-Africa role with that kind of firepower. Who would they use it on anyway though :yeshrug:

Yeah you are right about Egypt/Algeria. I was just thinking Africa as a whole.

Ethiopia is too poor and doesn't have the people yet to do this (though I know some Ethiopian physicists) but they could get nuclear ready when they get on the come up. However, right after the cold war and Mengistu's end, some Ethis I know were telling me there were rumors the Soviets had given some type of radioactive material to the Mengistu government and rich Arabs were reportedly in Ethiopia asking around about it in the mid 1990s. This story could be 100% bullshyt but it was what I was told.

The thing is, most nations acquire bombs when someone they hate is doing the same or they are trying to wield oversize influence. SA did it reportedly to deter the Cubans/Soviets but reportedly wanted long range missiles to wield power over Central-South Africa. India got nukes b/c China, Pakistan b/c India, N. Korea b/c of US and China. Brazil and Argentina's programs fed on each other. Unless the West or China tries to militarily dominate Africa I don't see anyone bothering. It's a lot of money and negative publicity unless you are in survival mode.

My point with Ethiopia is why they do not yet have the capablity to build nukes they do have the WILL and MINDSET for imperialism unlike most African nations. Other than that point good post.

The D-List Vet

Being in a recommendation system.
Apr 25, 2014
Pretty much what I mean. I really do not want black imperialism. Africa has enough resources to sustain itself. I just want powerful African countries where they do not fall victim to exterior threats. For example France can invest in Iran or China. However they cannot send troops to protect their interest their without starting a bloody war. The lack of powerful African nations is really sad and disturbing. And shows they will fall victim to foreign intrigue. Meanwhile the UK can send troops into Angola of they wanted too. If Africans are truly against Western intrigue they have to develop strong militaries or be experts in guerrilla/asymmetrical warfare.

And to the point of Dessalines. He killed off the White frenchmen and women because they owned slaves. He didn't kill the Polish soldiers that defected to the Haitian side. Matter of fact the Polish soldiers were mad honorary black citizen by Dessalines. The coli would have called him a c00n for that :lolbron:. The descendants of those Polish soldiers still live in Haiti. His killing of the whites French owners were justified. Because they would always be an internal threat to the future of the island.
:ohhh: learn something new everyday... but i agree with your first point... i truely want to see our African brothers and sisters have a strong powerful nation... :wow: they have all the resources damn near the whole world is taking from Africa or want something to do with Africa... China still doing businesses with Afirca huh?

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Pretty much what I mean. I really do not want black imperialism. Africa has enough resources to sustain itself. I just want powerful African countries where they do not fall victim to exterior threats. For example France can invest in Iran or China. However they cannot send troops to protect their interest their without starting a bloody war. The lack of powerful African nations is really sad and disturbing. And shows they will fall victim to foreign intrigue. Meanwhile the UK can send troops into Angola of they wanted too. If Africans are truly against Western intrigue they have to develop strong militaries or be experts in guerrilla/asymmetrical warfare.
I always maintained that Africa needs a regional power like with East Asia, South Asia and even the Middle East with Iran.

Nigeria COULD have become a regional power. I think South Africa with a more competent leader could lead Southern Africa. But yeah, Africa(like the Chinese)n were never expansionist(for the most part) because they always had resources. Those without resources are the mores who usually have to expand.

And to the point of Dessalines. He killed off the White frenchmen and women because they owned slaves. He didn't kill the Polish soldiers that defected to the Haitian side. Matter of fact the Polish soldiers were mad honorary black citizen by Dessalines. The coli would have called him a c00n for that :lolbron:. The descendants of those Polish soldiers still live in Haiti. His killing of the whites French owners were justified. Because they would always be an internal threat to the future of the island.

Yep read about the Polish in Haiti. And the bolded is why I am starting to only discuss these types of discussions in the Root because the Coli does not live in the real world.
Aug 16, 2017
No thanks I have no interest in oppressing other groups or making them feel inferior.

Exactly. We don't need to control them, we just need to stop being dependent on them for jobs, law enforcement, our juries, etc.

I'd be fine with more black neighborhoods with a mix of middle and upperclass black families, and professionals, our own restaurants, dry cleaners, gas station, shops, daycare centers, schools, community centers, grocery stores, etc. White people can move in, because you can't stop someone from buying property, but we wouldn't vote them into office, and hire "the best people for the job" and they just happen to be black, and play dumb the way they do.