Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
smh ill keep watching until they tell us reds identity.
They keep fukking with us about that

The reveals from this season alone been

smh ill keep watching until they tell us reds identity.
He has no connection outside of knowing/working with members of her family back in the day
Did we ever find out the connection he has the chick?
And were those people bad guys or good guys?
The main "bad guy" of this season, Kristina (Liz's mom) is actually a "good guy" and Red is trying to kill her. Her dad is one of Red's close friends. He's been on some of the past episodes before
if megan boone wasnt some eye candy and red a great actor id have stopped long ago
Not until March I believe. Honestly I'm already sick of this season with the whole cat and mouse between Red and Kat
what shes built like a woman. They dont all gotta be "thick".She's built like a 10 year old, but yeah Spader kills this role.
She makes this show insufferable at times.Liz really ratted Red outI truly hope someone hurts her soon.
Y'all know we byke right
Yes, I watched it the other night.... this show still confuses and fukks with me in the most unnecessary way possible