This supplement industry is a fraud.
Psychos on bb forums tell you to consume 300g per day.
Protein is key to build new muscle in a bulk and maintain muscle in a cut. But don't go overboard. You need carbs for energy and fat to maintain hormonal balance too. I think a 40%/35%/25% protein/carbs/fat split is probably the safest bet.
im bulking now and on @MMSex advice usually consume 180-200g's at 157lbs. you saying i can cut down on the protein significantly?
what are you basing that on?the more protein the better but the minimum value for you is probably around 130g
what are you basing that on?
The answer is somewhere in between. The supplement industry has seemed to over-inflate how much you "need". That said, there is some diet adherence benefit to a higher amount in regards to satiety and macros relative to carbs and fats.So many people over eat protein. shyt just chills in your system rotting away. I dont follow the 1g per pound rule. shyt is way too much. I eat 80g to 100g and i weigh 175 lbs. Have no problems maintaining muscle when cutting or gaining when bulking
I find it hard to do while at a caloric deficit so it's good news that it may not be necessary
I had a can of tuna, 8 ounces of chicken breast, and 2 scoops of protein powder today and still only at 130g (i'm 188)
Unless I start eating bison or something I don't see how I could ever get to 200g a day