i havent even watched the video, but mowgli is right. the best way to get white people actively engaged in politics and diplomacy is to have a black face on imperialism.
dont get me wrong, i know this woman is irish, but in general with white people it's
amuurica: love it or leave it
i need to know what my tax dollars are doing to people around the world!!!
it's hilarious, and we might actually make the world a better place by having black people lead all corrupt american industrial complexes. white people will pay attention to the stuff other people were complaining about since the end of ww2
dont get me wrong, i know this woman is irish, but in general with white people it's


it's hilarious, and we might actually make the world a better place by having black people lead all corrupt american industrial complexes. white people will pay attention to the stuff other people were complaining about since the end of ww2