I can't respond to u without also offending my brethren Shabazz Mathematics Allah, so out of respect for duke I'm just gonna be quiet right now bro
Do you bro..........I never claimed to be a scholar. Check every word I said bro. You're justcause I said I "probably" knew more about Islam than you. Then you proceed to bring up a bunch of names that really would do nothing to convince an unbeliever that Islam is true. I don't know the names of every "prophet" (a term that means nothing to me), so I guess that means I'm completely ignorant of Islam.
Don't care bruh
God made trees tho
Ok so you don't know and you don't care but you keep posting about it. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
I'm not trying to convince you of anything other than your own lack of knowledge. I'm telling you of your ignorance because you don't seem to be aware of it. I didn't tell you about the prophets to convince you of anything other than you don't know what you're talking about.
Now once again you're claiming not to care. Then hopefully I won't have to see you posting anymore misinformation. We'll see.