if that's the case, voting ages should be dropped, drinking ages should be dropped etc etc.
Human sexual development occurs faster than our intellectual development...
By age 16 a girl is as "sexy" as she will ever be, in terms of the biology of sex...Her vagina is as good as it will ever be...But at age 16, a girl is not as "smart" as she will ever be, because her brain is not yet as smart as it will ever be...
From what I have read, the human brain fully matures around the age of 25...So, are you telling me that is the age we should be legally allowed to do anything...?
Should your parents still be taking care you and legally making your decisions until you are older than 25...?
The average girl in the USA has her first period at age 12...To me that means we should start seriously educating young children about sex starting age 10 or 11, because by age 13 they start feeling that sexual itch, and given the opportunity they will try to engage in sex, but if we give them the knowledge of safe sex, we might prevent unnecessary risks...
I understand laws that protect children against adult predators, from a social perspective, but I don't think biologically it's wrong to have sex with a 13 year old...
In fact, I think we are letting young humans be children for way too long, that's why 20 is the new 30...As a society, we need to start forcing young humans to develop mental maturity a lot more quickly...Even if they don't get it, because their brains are not fully developed, they will be safer, and when the brain finally catches up, it will make more sense, and I think we will be able to eradicate certain mental illnesses that are brought on by failure to cope with stress...