Droid Razr
With its bullsht stats??? That ugly ass phone???: heh:
Every review states its dosent come anywhere near the stated battery time
I don't take part in this silly phone gang stuff....just stating my opinion.... I owned both iPhone and Android at the same time ....apple is too locked down for me
I haven't been posting in this sectional lately, but have phone wars replaced console wars???
iPhones trying to make noise. Android blew past them years ago. OS, specs, apps, sales. One leg after the other.
How can specs from last year be better then this year?
The best about to get even better
Thank you based Steve Jobs
Our Father, who design art in heaven
iPhone 5 be the Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
But is the battery going to last me more than an hour?
@ having to cop an extended battery
jobs gang all day
Gs3 shyts on the iPhone 4s its not even close breh.Oh nice pretty much an iPhone but labelled a Samsung
Actually...that's a plus
I copped a 4200 extended battery off amazon for $25...and it will last more than twice as long as the stock iPhone battery..its called OPTIONS.
Sent from my Verizon Galaxy S3
Spade a spade breh...I know all about Iphones I was a die hard....and I just got rid of my iPad 3rd gen a couple months ago in preparation for windows 8...jellybean as a os makes all Iphones pale in comparison right now....iOS is what's going to hold iPhone back no matter what new hardware they release...they let android get a clear lead on the os front...its going to take a lot.
Ohh you mean like these options
iphone extended battery - Google Search
Funny how 2-3 phones gets 2 million more results than an entire lineup