INTERSTELLAR Official Discussion, Review & Spoiler Thread

Silver Surfer

May 1, 2012
Just watched the screener again...would have liked to see this movie with aliens but was a good movie


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
GREAT MOVIE, JUST FINISHED IT... :mjcry: sad shyt but beautiful ending.... and of course they solved gravity, so im sure they had ftl drives too... so he was gonna get brand in a jif, no problem...

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Yeah. That part didn't make much sense to me.. It would have had to be aliens cause humans would have all died if the wormholes didn't get placed by them. Overall I thought it was a good movie. tried to explain itself way way too much.. and too much crying and cheesiness. The whole part about him being the one sending messages to his daughter from the future was predictable the moment she told him the message was "stay" at the beginning. I was hoping I would have been wrong on that. I feel like Nolan really wanted it be a serious thought provoking movie but in the end it still ends up as just a really good popcorn flick due to its flaws and weak attempts at scientific explanation.
if you picked one thing they didn't get wrong, it was the science.. they brought in the dude known for this theory and gave him a boss like title where he damn near had all the say, next to nolan.. dude actually wrote new papers based on things they figured out making the movie:

The method of space travel in this film was based on physicist Kip Thorne's works, which were also the basis for the method of space travel in Carl Sagan's novel "Contact", and the resulting film adaptation, Contact (1997). Matthew McConaughey stars in both films

Early in pre-production, Dr. Kip Thorne laid down two guidelines to strictly follow: nothing would violate established physical laws, and that all the wild speculations would spring from science and not from the creative mind of a screenwriter
. Christopher Nolan accepted these terms as long as they did not get in the way of the making of the movie. That did not prevent clashes, though; at one point Thorne spent two weeks talking Nolan out of an idea about travelling faster than light.

To create the wormhole and black hole, Dr. Kip Thorne collaborated with VFX supervisor Paul J. Franklin and his team at Double Negative. Thorne provided pages of deeply sourced theoretical equations to the team, who then created new CGI software programs based on these equations to create accurate computer simulations of these phenomena. Some individual frames took up to 100 hours to render, and ultimately the whole CGI program reached to 800 terabytes of data. The resulting VFX provided Thorne with new insight into the effects of gravitational lensing and accretion disks surrounding black holes, and led to him writing two scientific papers: one for the astrophysics community and one for the computer graphics community.

According to Dr. Kip Thorne, the largest degree of creative license in the film are the clouds of the ice planet, which are structures that probably go beyond the material strength which ice would be able to support.

Kip Thorne also collaborated with game developer Sticky Studios on the official mobile and web game by providing paper excerpts and equations. The entire game is scientifically correct in respect to time dilation, gravity and energy.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
What's crazy about this movie is that it contained a LOT of possibilities for submovies:
-The brothas time alone back on the ship
-Coops time in the teserract
-Brand's time in the other galaxy
-The dude's time on the ice planet
-Those lil OG metal box robots
-The daughter translating the code from morse back to binary

This story had soooo many levels. I ain't even a Nolan stan, but I give him props on this one. I even loved the few homages I seen to classic space movies from the past (the HAL memory room being one).
those metal boxes stole the show for me... for a quick second, i thought one was gonna delete the message from his daughter, saying it was all fake. something like 2001 and him saying sometimes the 100% will do more harm than good

but he gave the full message like a g... both of them was out there saving people.. cracking jokes.. transforming into 2500 different things. fukk the time travel, give me one of those boxes and i'm good :blessed:

speaking of, why'd that other box self destruct soon as it got turned on? was matt damon setting a trap for them. or did he disable it before it blew HIM up.. on some, "i know you sent that fake message, now i got to kill you"

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
lol, Nolan is the ultimate smart dumb director. He just coats all his dumbing down with big words so it looks smart.

Matt McConaughey: "The wormhole is a sphere?"
The black guy: "Well of course? You didn't think it would be an actual hole?" *insert Nolan self-congratulatory smirk*
The black guy: "Let me explain to you exactly why it is a sphere utilizing this piece of paper like we're in class."

Matt Damon: "You've literally risen me from the dead."
Matt McConaughey (all but looking directly at the viewer): "Lazarus!"

Matt McConaughey in the fifth dimension: "Don't you get it, TARS?"
*explains everything going on in smart dumb terms*

2 minutes later...

Matt McConaughey in the fifth dimension: "Don't you get it?!"
*explains everything going on in smart dumb terms*

2 minutes later...

Matt McConaughey in the fifth dimension: "DON'T YOU GET IT?!"
*explains everything going on in smart dumb terms*
TARS: "The bulk creatures are collapsing the tesseract. Their bush robots activated a boom tube that's driven by unparticle physics. I'm just throwing random science/scifi related terms at you now."
first thing i thought was.... damn this dude been with nasa before, then comes back and finds out his exact mission... has a few days to mull it over....

and never once asks, "hey so what's this wormhole about" until the moment they get out there

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
This is a great point worthy of note. The thing is a black hole is something of immense, if not infinite gravity. Even though the laws of physics breaks down he would have been crushed or spaghettified once he passed the event horizon. The movie did make it seem like he was only experiencing a few g's of force, which is insane, because the gravity of a black hole would have flattened him to a pancake. I do think you make a great point man.

Also to follow up on that you could say his daughter seeing him before she died was a metaphor of her seeing the other side :manny:
it's as the black guy and the CASE told him... you actually have no idea what would happen in a black hole until you go in one. the theories of black holes, are not facts.. for all we know you could in there and god be chilling in the middle with a soda. it could be something way beyond our thinking in there.. and that's what the movie was conveying


Mar 18, 2013
saw it yesterday. i liked it a lot. i didnt understand alot of the scientific shyt but i have always thought there was something to time not being real and everything running in cycles. movies like this one really get u thinking.