My gf and I just experienced this, her sis was playing cool for 7 months and 2 weeks ago she called me a ******, my gf a ****** lover and said she'll have ****** babies. I went off on her and her husband, they were both scared and locked doors and threatened to call cops. I called Nissan corporate on her husband and funny thing is the guy handling the case is black

My gf sister has a wine glass business and has black clients etc, we've been spreading the word around town about her because the town we live in has mad interracial couples and they have tons of mixed kids around. If you all wanna slander her fb page I'll link it. U can type "racist" etc on it. I didn't think this shyt would happen especially in NY, cause I just moved from the south last year and I never had trouble there. I'm bout to catch bodies up here bruh. This her sis business we trynna get it shut down
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