They ain’t did shyt worth a damn

they have a track record of someone of the worst environmental negligence, erosion of civil rights, genocide and not to mention invading other countries and plundering their resources
Communism belongs in the goddamn dustbin next to fascism
Cuba has a vastly superior medical system, educational system, housing system, and incarceration system. They have better maternal mortality, infant mortality, lower homelessness, less incarcerated, lower violent crime, lower gun crime, and a vastly smaller environmental impact than their equivalent American territory.
No communist country can have a worst record on environmental negligence, civil rights, or genocide than capitalist countries considering the present global warming issues are a product of the capitalist mode of production, virtually every genocide of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries was at the behest of capital.
Chattel slavery is inherent in the capitalist mode of production - apartheid has been at the behest of capital, every notable African and South American leader who held the interests of his people above capital was assassinated by Western capitalist countries.
You're out of your depth here young man.