Interesting read: Women have become to expensive to date


May 2, 2012
no shyt, whores wanna always eat out, go to the movies, see some shyt

no, bytch, you cooking groceries and watching a netflix movie :ufdup:


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
I don't think in this day and age nobody should pay for getting to know the other. Also in this day and age where there is no need for people to take care of others in the same way our grandparents did where chicks are making similar money to you oftentimes. For me it always leads to resentment cause you aren't a child but want to get child like benefits (aka being a provider aka money tree)then when it's convenient treated like an adult. Stuff is annoying for me tbh. Relationships need to get upto speed with what the world looks like now not no shyt from generations past IMO

As much as I respect your opinion, that's not how men and women operate. I'm of the view that it shouldn't matter as well, but it does and there's little anyone can do about it. Women are going to be on their shyt, men are going to be on theirs. We talking about thousands upon thousands of years of hardwired human evolutionary mating behaviors. The peacock ain't gonna stop dancing or do whatever peacocks do to attract mates just because of feminism. People need to realize that we're no different than the peacock or any other animal.
It's hard for anyone to rewrite the software just because women work jobs now. If anything, our current values and economic inequalities only feed the beast. It use to be, blue collar working cats were viewed with just as much prestige as doctors and lawyers, that shyt is gone.

Jobs aren't going to change the way women value men, vice versa. It speaks volumes that the highest selling book of all time is about an abusive multi-millionaire businessman smutting out some plain jane.


May 1, 2012
@Mowgli They want us to date men now!
Only 17 percent of the population makes 6 figures so im not sure what world this article is living in. :yeshrug:

WHen you look at the raw numbers of how many people are making what you'll realize that its the women that are trying to date unrealistically, not the men.
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Jun 19, 2012
The 215
As much as I respect your opinion, that's not how men and women operate. I'm of the view that it shouldn't matter as well, but it does and there's little anyone can do about it. Women are going to be on their shyt, men are going to be on theirs. We talking about thousands upon thousands of years of hardwired human evolutionary mating behaviors. The peacock ain't gonna stop dancing or do whatever peacocks do to attract mates just because of feminism. People need to realize that we're no different than the peacock or any other animal.
It's hard for anyone to rewrite the software just because women work jobs now. If anything, our current values and economic inequalities only feed the beast. It use to be, blue collar working cats were viewed with just as much prestige as doctors and lawyers, that shyt is gone.

Jobs aren't going to change the way women value men, vice versa. It speaks volumes that the highest selling book of all time is about an abusive multi-millionaire businessman smutting out some plain jane.
I hear you and agree for the most part but people can change IMO if and when forced to. This just isn't an issue where people are going to be forced to. Think about how often me, you, the next person wants to smack somebody at times but because we know the consequences of doing so don't. People can change or suppress their feelings most when they have to. I do agree with you that this will not change but I think it could if guys were to be like fukk going on out here cause I know chicks not trying to give up those benefits. I don't blame them either unless I'm trying to talk to them cause I know that shyt headed for JO status lol


May 20, 2012
50 dollars is just a cap breh. It's meant to be somewhere inbetween, but it covers a broad spectrum of men really. 50 dollars is really throwaway change for a man who's in his 30's and getting it. 50 dollars or less is reasonable imo. Men spend more on backpage heaux by the hour anyways, so I don't see what the issue is. :win:

Yeah, $50 isn't bad. You can stretch that if your good.

The real secret is getting her to spend her money without asking, in order to let her know she isn't getting a free ride, and you're a sucker. If she is coming over to your place or your getting something quick to eat, doing something like asking her what is she eating, tell her what you want, let her order it, then just eat your food. While you're eating, just ask "you're cool, right? If she is a "strong, independent woman", she will have the :upsetfavre: face, yet won't say anything, because she doesn't want to sound weak. shyt, is funny as hell.

Just make sure you have something that she really wants like a good sex game, and you're not a loser because that shyt won't last long. You also have to take her out once a week at least, which isn't hard. Women think walking in the mall is fun.

You want to make it known that you aren't a simp, and expect her to do something, early in the relationship or she will run over you like crazy. You just can't say that anymore because of how the country is, but you can show it.