A large chunk of land in Alaska for Blacks to build black societies. Reason for Alaska is because it's the only large piece of land owned by America that Americans want nothing to do with and it's segregated from the rest of the country . If you hate Alaska, it's take it or leave it. The only other option is to remain on mainland American soil and deal with racist CACs
- Isolated from mainland America and domestic terrorists
- Independence
- Societies would be black led
- Largey deserted with the exception of a few Eskimo hunter/gatherer tribes
- Peaceful
- Oil
- Its cold
- not much diversity except ourselves (this is a pro to some)
Or we could have declined the offer and things could have proceeded as they did
- The option to live in warm weather
- Access to White and Latina women
- Acesss to White ran healthcare and education
- Domestic terrorism
- The civil rights movement indirectly led to the country being flooded with racist immigrants who we will also have to deal with in addition to whites
- No Independence
- treated like 2nd class citizens in the judicial system
So which option would the coli prefer?