How about we let would be death-sentence recipients control their own fate via a choice of elaborate, life-threatening stunts. Ok, say Jeff Roberts murders his two uncles after a drunk fight. Instead of just strapping Jeff to a chair and lethally injecting him, how about we tell Jeff that if he will be given 6 months to train for a dangerous stunt. This stunt involves being dropped in a lion's den in the jungles of Southern Africa. Jeff would have to stay in the den for 4 hours. After the 4 hours is up, Jeff then must exit the den without any assistance. The only real option would be to successfully climb a 200ft iron cage. If Jeff completes the stunt, he's a free man and justice is served. If not, he dies, and justice is served. Its fair a system. Plus the severity of the crime would dictate the difficulty of the stunt. If someone was to blow up a school with students inside, his stunt would be extremely unlikely. Ex: Having to successfully land a jump off of a 400ft building with 2 pillows strapped to your feet and a 100lb weight plate glued to the top of your head. You get 2 weeks to train. If you pull this shyt off, justice served. And in the likely case that you dont, justice served. Its so fair.
Plus it could create revenue. Pay-per-view the stunts and make money off it. Set a betting market for it. shyt allow charity sponsoring. Money can be made.
You talking about the "Running Man" Arnold Schwarznegger...
Socially it's a silly idea, because it makes a mockery of the victims' pain and loss...A little child gets kidnapped, raped and thrown in the bushes, and after years of legal battles, and emotional turmoil, all that pain will be brought back to the surface, as a form of entertainment for the public...
So, you will go to the bar one day to see people laugh, celebrate, and have a good old time, courtesy of your daughter's brutal murder....
Have you ever lost somebody you loved deeply...?
It's not entertainment...
People who kill should
(1) Get ZERO media attention
(2) The government should create a law that prevents media people from naming killers, unless it is police strategy to help capture the killer
(3) Once a killer is convicted, they should be pushed into obscurity...No book deals, No Hollywood deals, No Halloween caricatures...Their entire existence should be wiped from the face of the Earth...
(4) They should be thrown in a hole and forgotten...Just enough food and water to survive...
This media sensationalism and glorification of killers needs to be stopped...
Your idea will only turn killers into heroes, because people will forget about the victims' pain, and support the underdog...We humans LOVE underdog stories think "300"...
And I don't even want to think about all the damage that will be done, the day one of those killers beats the odds and escapes...
That single concurrence will make a MOCKERY of the entire justice system...