barbiesaviorThanks so much for convicting me and inspiring me to take the next step in my work here. You are right. The lack of high heels in this country is devastating. So today, one heel at a time, I am changing the face of Africa as we know it. #heelsforthemosthigh#clipclopdontstop#changemysole#offensifabulous#healingheels#heels4realz#barbiesavior#heelsyeah
barbiesavior"I love your curves and all your edges....all your perfect imperfections..." #heartsong#passion#called#pleasefollowme#forhim#love#song#truelife#trueemotion#real#bleedingheart#likes#likeme#mycall#mycalling#blessed#whitesavior#whitesaviorchic#art#myart#realart#myafrica
I come across this jewel walking on the road. Nobody to care for her. Nobody to love her. I look down at the light that glistens from her brow. Too young to know that she doesn't have to be here. She doesn't have to live in the sun. And yet, she does. The sorrow she carries in her eyes all but overflows while my heart widens to catch the excess. I will hold your pain in my heart, little one. I will not forget you. #neverforget#loveothers#loveonorphans#called#change#soul#africa#whitesavior#hero#reddirt#orphans#blessed#tenderheart#twoworlds#oneheart#povertyporn#disciplethestreets#likes#forlikes#followme#mission#hereiamlord#blessed#purpose#thirdworld#stayprayedup#saviorbarbie#barbiesavior
barbiesavior"I love your curves and all your edges....all your perfect imperfections..." #heartsong#passion#called#pleasefollowme#forhim#love#song#truelife#trueemotion#real#bleedingheart#likes#likeme#mycall#mycalling#blessed#whitesavior#whitesaviorchic#art#myart#realart#myafrica
I come across this jewel walking on the road. Nobody to care for her. Nobody to love her. I look down at the light that glistens from her brow. Too young to know that she doesn't have to be here. She doesn't have to live in the sun. And yet, she does. The sorrow she carries in her eyes all but overflows while my heart widens to catch the excess. I will hold your pain in my heart, little one. I will not forget you. #neverforget#loveothers#loveonorphans#called#change#soul#africa#whitesavior#hero#reddirt#orphans#blessed#tenderheart#twoworlds#oneheart#povertyporn#disciplethestreets#likes#forlikes#followme#mission#hereiamlord#blessed#purpose#thirdworld#stayprayedup#saviorbarbie#barbiesavior