#INHERENTLY: Cacs Mad NBA Legend Larry Johnson says Blacks Need Own League

End Cruelty

Yuffie butter!
Mar 14, 2014
That was our predecessors' problem. Kissing the ass of people who did not want us in their thing instead of focusing on building our own things. There is nothing more powerful than independence. It something one has to respect. Black people immersed with cacs way too early before they got their stuff in order. Black people have to* be inclusive but everyone else can shut their door on them at a moment's notice. I am black and fully accept that but I know how the game is played and an education in Economics taught me that.

Yeah, that was their problem. It wasn't dogs and fire hoses. It wasn't Jim Crow. It wasn't having to cross the street when white people were walking their direction. They were totally kissing ass with the fear of having their neck broken or thier womb violated. You nikkas need to get a fukking a grip.

Any true player will tell you not to fight the system. You have to fukk it. Keep banging on that keyboard, though.

*there are only two things we as black folk have to do.

stay black and die.

I understand the frustration and it's good that we can all maintain an open dialogue such as this, so don't take my rebuttal as a diss.


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
Yeah, that was their problem. It wasn't dogs and fire hoses. It wasn't Jim Crow. It wasn't having to cross the street when white people were walking their direction. They were totally kissing ass with the fear of having their neck broken or thier womb violated. You nikkas need to get a fukking a grip.

Any true player will tell you not to fight the system. You have to fukk it. Keep banging on that keyboard, though.

*there are only two things we as black folk have to do.

stay black and die.

I understand the frustration and it's good that we can all maintain an open dialogue such as this, so don't take my rebuttal as a diss.
:what: Read about Overtown Miami, Tulsa, OK (Black Wall Street) and I am sure there are more self-sustaining black communities that prospered and destroyed by cacs.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013

Looks like the message didn't post. I was going to tell you to quote the arguments you had with those cacs on the message board.
I don't hold retarded internet grudges, as you can see. :whoa:

"eah, the media didn't explode because Riley Cooper said the "N word". I dreamt that.

An NFL football player gets arrested for child abuse..... the national media doesn't care. An NFL football player gets arrested for aggravated assault..... the national media doesn't care. An NFL player says the "N word", at a concert, and seemingly instigated and that's all we hear about for days on days.

Lesson learned: Saying the N word is a worse offense than child abuse. (The sad thing is, there are people that will agree with this)."

"he most interesting thing I've taken away from this thread is that Liggins threw an XBox on his girlfriend's head. I don't agree with racism in any way, but this story is just mehhhhh to me. So an owner makes racist comments off the record. Number one, it's not surprising. Number two, the guy just seems like an old loon with other problems going on. Dude is banging a black chick and just hired a black coach. That doesn't scream KKK to me.

If you ask me, the dude is trying to control his girlfriend and it has little to do with race. It sounds like an emotionally abusive relationship that just happens to be projected into racism in this case.

The truth is, I guess, that I don't really care either way what they do with the guy. As stated, I adamantly disagree with racism. but taking his team for off the record comments doesn't really seem like the best thing either."

"If both are discussed, fine. I'm not being apologetic for bigotry and racism, I just wish everything would be kept in context so the issue doesn't become a caricature of itself.

And I'm more talking sports media. Specifically Riley Cooper dropping the N word being absolutely SLAMMED by ESPN and sports media, while others commit child abuse and aggravated assault and I never hear a word about it."


You honestly believe that making every known racist thing a huge media ordeal "moving on"?

Are you lost?

Do you not think that some 3rd grade black kids immediately resent white people when he hears of the history of this country?

Do you know how many bigoted parents of all races we have in this country? They plant the seed to hate black, white, brown or yellow people from an early age?

It's time to stop whining and crying about it.
We get it. Racist shyt happens. It's not just happening to black people....

It's 2014. Can we please move on?
We aren't moving on when everyone has to drop what their doing and talk about racism and how to fix it.

How about we let the pathetic racists be racists and give them zero attention?
If they're doing hate crimes. I'd get it.
If they're plotting hate crimes. I'd get it.

All I see here is some grumpy white dude who obviously has his morals mixed up.
Yet...no....people like you NEED this to be a big deal.
Why? Honestly?"


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
" don't agree with his comments and I love all races so get off me...

but just how racist can a guy who gives 8-9 black people millions of dollars be? I don't think this is the worst thing ever. He should be punished and Silver should make a example of him, but I don't think we're talking about a KKK leader or something here either. I mean the guys girl friend is half latino.

But the he should never be an owner again stuff is way too much I say. Not my call though."

"I don't know six or seven. Most almost all of them live back home in North Carolina, besides the people I go to church with and work with at the radio station, I don't really know that many in my area. There's two different ones that go to my gym and I've spoken to them a few times and they seem really nice, but I don't know them well and wouldn't call them friends.

I'm not saying he's not racist and that the comments weren't offensive or that he shouldn't be punished. I am saying I don't think this is nearly as bad a some people believe it to be."


Everyone loves it.

4 NBA playoff games today. 3 of them decided by 1, 2 and 3 points.
4 NHL playoff games today.
15 MLB games today.
Round 3 of golf in the Zurich Classic of New Orleans.
Nascar Sprint cup race on Saturday night.
UFC 172 with the greatest pound for pound fighter in the world.

What do I see the first 15 mins of sportscenter? Then a teaser for more on the topic later???
Interviews and debate of what some bigot NBA OWNER said in what he thought was a private conversation..

I'm not saying this should be ignored or defending what the guy did, but seriously? Do we have to make every "racist" thing the damn center of attention.

We love racism, obviously.
The seed was planted in us all at one point.
Either from our parents or our school systems.

Everything is racist nowadays. We jump to it so quickly and if you aren't politically correct with the topic you are immediately labeled a racist."

"Well, here goes my bashing and I guess I will be hated forever on this board. I don't really give an ish if he is a racist a$$hole or not.

Should he make this a public situation, nope. BUT, here is the thing, he didn't!! Someone invaded his privacy and neglected to inform a prominent member of society and business man that he was being recorded. It is actually a violation of the 4th amendment.

Are his opinions an absolute shame to his personality according to you or I? yes.

Do they actually have any effect on today's society? absolutely not.

I am tired of reading about racism where racism doesn't exist or is exhibited by those who have actually never dealt with it.... This man still employs more African Americans than ANYONE on this board. He also pays African Americans better than anyone here could ever hope to... But we should forget about that...

Is he an a$$hole? yep

Does he (and EVERY OTHER AMERICAN) have the right to have their own private preferences without public persecution? EVEN MORE SO.

Even though he is the a$$hole, the fault lies on many more than him/././."

End Cruelty

Yuffie butter!
Mar 14, 2014
:what: Read about Overtown Miami, Tulsa, OK (Black Wall Street) and I am sure there are more self-sustaining black communities that prospered and destroyed by cacs.

:salute: but are we going to act like that was the norm? shyt...was it the norm? even if it was (which it wasn't...hence the birth of the civil rights movement :comeon:), are we going to ignore that truth behind 'separate but equal'? I would love to be on your side but there seems to be more hateful(?)/reactionary rhetoric which is why I have to challenge y'all.

:handshake: I wish y'all the best with this. Just let what I'm saying sink in and I'll do the same.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
"Exactly....so lets just scream "OOOO....OOOOO.....YOU SEE THAT! RACISM THERE! SEE, I TOLD YOU THERE IS STILL RACISM!!!!!!!!"

Yes. Pointing out every racist comment in the world will definitely solve our problems from the obvious.
We all know there are legitimate racists out there.
We all know some people make racist comments yet probably aren't racist at all.

Also it isn't just "White supremacy"
Racism isn't just toward blacks.
It's everywhere.

"There is White Supremacy.
There is Black Supremacy.
There is Hispanic Supremacy.

What is the difference?

Race isn't more sensationalized?
You haven't been living in reality.
Media takes these stories and run with them. They become HUGE and center of national attention."

Okay for starters, Mexico. The company I worked for had two offices in Mexico. The folks with a college degree in Mexico are the pure Spanish. Most Mexicans are mixed Indian-Spanish or all Indian. They get jack shyt.

Black Supremacy, oh my God go to Africa.

Bottom line is the US is the lest racist county around because we look at our warts and try to improve our tolerance. Just like the subject of the thread, he is facing social exclusion because of his racism.

"I guess you did. A white politician even a democrat with Barry's experience doesnt get the vote in that election. Colin Powell would of won had he run against McCain."


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
:salute: but are we going to act like that was the norm? shyt...was it the norm? even if it was (which it wasn't...hence the birth of the civil rights movement :comeon:), are we going to ignore that truth behind 'separate but equal'? I would love to be on your side but there seems to be more hateful(?)/reactionary rhetoric which is why I have to challenge y'all.

:handshake: I wish y'all the best with this. Just let what I'm saying sink in and I'll do the same.
Idc for what LJ2 is talking about but I am speaking of history and we weren't ready to assimilate with cacs yet.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
"the guy has lost it. remember the shenanigans a few years back about him getting on baron davis for making movies. MAYBE , i don't know, he was ticked about davis making "black" movies for black people. we should have seen this coming.

but how is that concept of making "black" movies not a little racist.

we are all the same. it does not matter if you are criticizing or SUPPORTING someone because of the hue of their skin. THATS racism."

It's just funny that every single one your post is filled with some negative/derogatory remark regarding white people, but it's OK for you to do it. You get to say things like "most white men are prejudice", "white shytheads", and when someone white expresses their opinion about black on black crime, they get labeled as nothing but showing "crocodile tears." Like it's out of the realm of possibility for a white person to showcase any sort of empathy or care about something that doesn't directly impact them. The kind of stories like this Sterling situation are created and targeted to people like you. You are narrow minded and you eat this crap up. You let the actions of a white man who was born in freaking 1934 reaffirm your notion that most white men are pejudice. Like I said, this story is doing what it's designed to do. "

Yeah I try to stay out of these types of conversations because I believe everyone is entitled to think/believe what they want. Just because I may agree or disagree is really irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

But as for Bomani, I have to literally laugh at his points about Chicago. His point that housing discrimination is the biggest factor in the reasons for why the crime level in Chicago is so high is absurd. It may have some impact sure, but to think it's the main factor is absolutely incorrect. Nobody is being forced to live anywhere. Nobody is limited to live in a certain area. And if if you say, "what about public housing?" Well, then do something about it. If you don't want to live where the available public housing is, do something to change that. Go get an education. Go get a better job or a second/third/fourth job to do whatever is necessary to get yourself out of the undesirable situation you may be subject to. The problem lies in that people don't want to put in the work or don't believe their hard work would pay off enough to change their situations. So they then become a product of their own environment. The thought of instilling the value of hard work and education are lost in those areas. It's really awesome to see the growing group of people working to change that, but it's going to take a lot more than what they are doing to fix the problem.

Bottom line is housing discrimination has some impact on the situation in Chicago, but thinking it is the main factor is just being naive...


End Cruelty

Yuffie butter!
Mar 14, 2014
Idc for what LJ2 is talking about but I am speaking of history and we weren't ready to assimilate with cacs yet.

Who's ever ready to assimilate though, my nikka? The word carries of a connotation of forcefulness with it. The town I grew up in was where they transported the indigenous people and taught them to be white. OT but I grew up on the worst of Indian burial grouds. I recognize how deep the evil goes on an incredibly personal level.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
"People love a witch hunt and now it's over. If magic Johnson buys the team, its going to be hard for me to believe that this wasn't a setup from people from his group. This is scary times people. When you can lose your property, because of something you say, especially in something that was thought to be a private conversation. Whether you agree or disagree with the mans values he should still have the right to freedom of speech. We have just opened a whole new can of worms. Welcome to the new America. "

"Yes, Sterling is a racist prick who deserves everything that hopefully comes his way.

However, Johnson's comments of seceding and separatism are just as bad. He is claiming to create black only teams and league. Just as much crap as Sterling IMO. Is it OK because it is reactionary? I think not.

But we have a 5 page thread about Sterling and not a single post about Johnson?

Racism is both ways and ALL bigots should be put to test."

Here is what really is being said between Mr. Sterling and Ms. Viviano? Let me decipher the conversation..from at least my perspective.

Mr. Sterling comes from another generation. More importantly Mr. Sterling comes from a different economic class. He is commenting from HIS world. The world of snobbery and delicate business and politics. He is constantly engaging in business at a very high level.

In HIS mind..he is dating a light colored minority. In HIS mind..he isnt' dating a black person. He is dating an attractive sensual woman who transcends race and he wants her to respect his world of high end politics where people don't want to see or interact with the common black person. The black 'culture' as he likes to refer.

He is a high end white multi millionaire who doesn't want black culture infecting (I choose the word intentionally) his world or his business prospects. I do think now (my fault) that this issue is completely different than I originally thought when I didn't listen to his comments and just read certain statements. He was 'gamed' by his lady friend and exploited for his economic/poitical and generational viewpoints.

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Please embrace the following as the true issue that needs to be dealt with by everyone in this country.

Every single person in this country likes or dislikes particular individuals. I personally know only a few black people. Just talking black in my current day to day dealings. Lets leave off any business clients. Just people that I have come across on some level. Could be a neighbor or a recreational affiliation.

I have a neighbor lady...my favorite neighbor who happens to be black. Sweet and nice. I had a gay black teammate who I just adored. I know another teammate who was more culturally black. We can laugh together and joke but he was too 'black' in the sense of culturally from a black perspective. Now obviously I am white.

Can you honestly say you as any poster love every black /white person? Of course not. The key issue is whether you should like to dislike a person because of their skin color. I think we can all agree that this would be wrong. The next question is whether individuals have the right to not like someone because of a particular culture.

Do I particularly like wealthy snobbish people? No..some wealthy rich people bother me. I don't like guilt ridden liberals who talk about helping others while dumping the bill onto others.

So the point is whether Mr. Sterling is justified in saying that he doesn't like being surrounded by the black culture anymore than a black person from wherever liking some white red neck cowboy coming to his family gathering. This is racial politics.

Another question would be whether someone with this viewpoint should own a NBA basketball team. I believe the answer is NO. He shouldn't be in this business but I do believe he has expressed a thought held by many many Americans.

Can you say you don't believe that racial politics has entered into your thought process. Black or white. This transcends race and goes to many different political affiliations.



My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
"What a bunch of bs logic. It's okay to be racist if someone was mean to you? Idiotic.

I wonder what Larry would have said if he was recorded without him knowing... Probably a whole lot worse than Sterling's comments, but hey, he is black and slavery happened 60 years ago, poor poor fellow.

Do people not realize slavery is larger than ever with millions and millions of people enslaved across the world? White, brown, black, tan, orange people are enslaved, not 60 years ago, but right this very second.

The race card is so worn out, get over it. "

"Free, would you be fighting this argument so strongly if the white players or owners had said they feel the need for safe spaces and want a league of their own? IF it was a white player instead of a black player asking or the same thing, would that white player be racist?
Where is all of this systemic discrimination against blacks today? This isn't 1950. One crazy old white guy made some racist comments so that is now justification to create a new basketball league that will exclude an entire race of people?"

"I guess I am that oblivious or maybe where I live things are radically different than in other parts of the country. But I just don't see it. Im from a country that currently has a black president, I went to school with black kids, I work everyday at a job side by side with many black people, I live in a neighborhood with lots of black people and I have never seen any blatant discrimination."

"I guess I am that oblivious or maybe where I live things are radically different than in other parts of the country. But I just don't see it. Im from a country that currently has a black president, I went to school with black kids, I work everyday at a job side by side with many black people, I live in a neighborhood with lots of black people and I have never seen any blatant discrimination."

"That's funny. I'm labeled a racist for saying "race card," yet a black man like Johnson can say pretty much whatever he wants.

Reverse Racism is alive and thriving. "

"ive been listenting to the nba commentators and have kind of changed my view. take the high road why dont ya. sick and tired of taking ONE old man sick with oldtimers or whatever being made into a BIG moment. grow a s and try to grow a little tuff skin why dont you

i said that idiots remarks that were made in the privacy of his home were awful, racist, and had no place, but what these jas are trying to do with it have NO PLACE also. what a joke kenny"im a victim" smith is.

i hate the nba. ONE of the guys that is ULTRA competitive and wants to win BADLY and has never been arrested and gives millions to charity, is viewed by the refs and MOST of america as the bad boy of the nba. the ONE guy whose competitiveness reminds me of nba's golden age is called "immature"!

The mans comments were racist, WHO cares, he's ONE person with that kind of sad view and soon to be dying. SAD that it takes something like that to bring out the emotion in players."

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
the thing that bugs me is that nba players for the most part are idiots, they've made gazillions and gazillions as a whole playing the game, making friends etc., then they retire and become a analyst or assistant coach etc.

instead of banding together for ownership, milwaukee bucks sold for 550 mill

your telling me 30 ex nba players couldn't come together put down 20 mill a piece and eat?

See this where we need to come together as a community and hold them to a real standard. Because our mentality is all about rims and Bentley, that's what they flash to us and expect to be heroes.

Perhaps when we little people get our priorities str8 the elite among us will follow, instead of vice versa.


Nov 27, 2012
And you ya see...here's that spin. All while politely dodging my comment about no one giving a fukk until this past weekend. I see where you're coming from so let me elaborate.

Tbh, You have a valid point there and I agree with it but to not even consider the historical significance of creating a black league is short sighted.Don't try to act like you're pro black when you're blatantly ignoring our recent history. Why is the solution to take our ball and go home? The league is already black. What's the point of rebuilding when we could take control?

*If I may be a wolf for a moment, you sound like a fukking republican with the bold text. The fukk makes you think everybody is going to be rich someday? Not to single you out or generalize, but you and a bunch of other folk are out here waiting on some proverbial promised land. When it comes to money, there is no 'we', my nikka. There is only 'me' and 'mine'.

TL;DR---We don't need to separate, we need to take more control.

We need more control? The NBA votes on owners. You just can't walk in and get a team. There is a reason the ONLY black owned team is the expansion team...

Who said the league had to compete with the NBA?

You sound like a scared house nikka. "But wha wha what if white people get offended :sadcam:

Then fukk them, that's what. Do you know how much talent there is in basketball? You could have a great league without stealing one player from the NBA. There were two negro leagues before we let them go to get in the MLB. How many black billionaires do you think there would be if we kept those negro league teams? Maybe not every team would have lasted until now but I tell you for damn sure a few would.

"When it comes to money there is only me." THAT IS THE EXACT MINDSET THAT HAS US fukkED. We will be the working underclass forever until we start employing our own and patronizing each other financially.

I'll leave you with one last thought...
