Working in IT...Indians piss me off man lmao. These nikkas just bullshytters, prime bullshytters. Theyre smart I'll give them that but godamn, even today an Indian lead developer pissed me and one of our senior SAs off with flagrant cap like we can't transparently see his activity on his system lmao. Had the nerve to blatantly lie about how long his ticket was open for(nikka said he's been waiting for this issue to be fixed for 3 weeks, when it's been on 6 days

We tell him he needs to be on VPN at work daily to properly get updates, and to test if a major software deployment would was adamant that he was doing this correctly and we weren't looking properly..checked the logs and this mf hadn't been on VPN in like a week. I got a million other stories of these nikkas just being fukking NPCs
Not a gigantic amount of them here in my city in the state but I already know Canadians going through it from what I see online lmao.