90 today in Columbus
Reno, NV 10-Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Channel | Weather.com
Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Reno, NV with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Weather.comweather.com
38 degrees?Mon - 67
- 38
Tue - 75
- 44
Wed - 80
- 51
Thr - 86
- 55
Fri - 91
- 58
Reno is @ 5k ft above sea level in sierra Nevada mtns
38 degrees?
In mid-June?
Choose to live in a lower level of Hell, brehs
But for real, that 95+ with humidity feels like death.
Now keep goingMon - 67
- 38
Tue - 75
- 44
Wed - 80
- 51
Thr - 86
- 55
Fri - 91
- 58
This makes no sense lmao.If you love the heat you’re a cac. Your ancestors deserve better.
But for real, that 95+ with humidity feels like death.
be careful, breh. being outside for extended periods in this kind of weather ain’t the move.Gotta get to work tomorrow and gonna be outside all day...
I can deal with 84 degrees tho...