yes just so i can see lesner beat the shyt out of that bum.
Run it..he'll get beat down but that last F5 is gonna get turned into a YES LOCK IN THE MIDDLE
yes just so i can see lesner beat the shyt out of that bum.
Stop reading right there
Then who? Roman no personality Reigns? It's going to be Cena, but really only Bryan is the other realistic option
But I'm saying if they DID have that guy... that next Cena, that next Rock, that next Austin... then a win like this over Lesnar could be the thing that propels both him AND the fed to the next level. And from there who knows.
Bryan is NOT that guy.
Run it..he'll get beat down but that last F5 is gonna get turned into a YES LOCK IN THE MIDDLE
Lesnar is losing at WM 31. Here are the options. ..Reigns, Bryan, Rock, or Cena. Make a choice.
Of that list? I'd wanna see Bryan.
But who knows. Mania is long time from now. Maybe Punk comes back. Maybe someone else comes back. Maybe someone on the current roster fukkin shocks the world and proves they're ready.
We'll have to wait and see.
Whats the worst that could happen? Fans turn on him, sour on the product and business sees a steady decline?Are you confident giving the ball to Daniel Bryan moving forward? Are you ready to smear his face all over the commercials and make him the first thing you see when you turn on the WWE network? Are you ready to put him on cereal boxes?
What's gonna happen when the yes chant dies down. What's gonna happen after he can't play the underdog card anymore.
It's going to be Cena, the epic ass whooping is the setup of the underdog story y'all talking about with Bryan
Punk isn't getting gift wrapped a WM main event after walking out the company either
No man..... The size comparison is just too fair at a disadvantage.
I can see if this was some Bret Hart vs Yokozuna type differences where they "could" make away for DB to look like he could exploit a weakness. But to Brock, what could DB really do?
Forget the size and power cuz it's no secret Brock is a skyscraper to DB and 10x stronger at worst.
Speed difference and quickness?? Not much.... Brock for a big guy is deceptively fast and DB for a little guy is not one of those traditional speedy cruiserweights like Rey in his prime. So I don't think he could decisively out speed Brock.
Then punishment.... Ok yes.... DB has some nice kicks.... But Brock has shown he can take punishment from all the STRONGEST wrestlers he's faced (all by far way stronger than DB from Show to Henry to Cena), DB doesn't have the power so all his strikes would do would make Brock laugh.
Then the wrestling holds.... Brock would overpower him with ease not to mention Brock has shown he can reverse holds. Also, if Brock was to put DB in a submission, are we supposed to believe when the King of Kings and Worlds Strongest Man couldn't escape now all of a sudden little ol DB can?
Na..... They gotta keep guys that much at a disadvantage away from Brock