did bret hart/chris benoit have a match as good as the okada/omega trio of matches?
Kenny Omega is on top now, and has reached a pinnacle few thought was possible...but Bret has a legacy that's once in a lifetime.
Benoit was so damn good, people still revere his work, despite his tainted historical status with the murder/suicide.
I STILL get cold chills any time I sit down and watch that match. Tragic how things would turn out...but life is wrestling, and wrestling is life.
I do believe that the Omega/Okada trilogy contains some of the best wrestling I've ever witnessed, but that legends require a lot more than a couple of great matches.
Kenny has already had a hell of a career, and made the most of having the spotlight, performing at a level of rarity that is incredible...but he still has to hold a lot more hearts and minds for a lot longer, to truly compare.