Didn't just create a virtual reality world where phones and computers don't exist yet. Instead of it being 1999 why not 1599. Problem solved right? I guess AI does not include common sense.
The Architect sending Agent Smith for you.
Didn't just create a virtual reality world where phones and computers don't exist yet. Instead of it being 1999 why not 1599. Problem solved right? I guess AI does not include common sense.
Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety one?
What's funny is that the machines didn't even have to use humans as an energy source, they could have just used Cows and the virtual reality would be with them set in a field of grass.
I've seen the first Matrix over gazillion times, but I never watched the sequels.
Did I loose?
I always thought this too.
What's funny is that the machines didn't even have to use humans as an energy source, they could have just used Cows and the virtual reality would be with them set in a field of grass.
The Matrix would have made more sense if the execs didn't force the directors and writers to dumb the shyt down. Originally it was planned that the humans were gonna be used a data nodes in a neuro-computer set up.
Didn't just create a virtual reality world where phones and computers don't exist yet. Instead of it being 1999 why not 1599. Problem solved right? I guess AI does not include common sense.
We don't need to use oil as an energy source but we do. Maybe there were robots working on alternative energy sources but the burgiouse robots didn't want to hear it
I've seen the first Matrix over gazillion times, but I never watched the sequels.
Did I loose?
I always thought this too.