I thought this shyt was awfully boring and non suspenseful. We all knew Saul wouldn't lie under oath so the ending of the first episode was coming during some point during this season.
It was just an awful decision to have Carrie and Brody enter an emotional relationship knowing what the ramifications of that was. Kind of backed the writers into a corner if you ask me. I just have no interest in batshyt crazy Carrie and her trying to bring the CIA down while the CIA does everything they can to cover up the obvious.
Only way this could have been rectified IMO if Carrie was proven wrong and Brody was responsible for the explosion and her and Saul went all out in a manhunt for Brody. I mean if he and his family is going to remain involve in the story at least give them an actual meaning. I'll give it another 2-3 episodes before I bail on this shyt.
I'm feeling the same way.