In Newark, Police Cameras, and the Internet, Watch You


Nov 1, 2015


Pedestrians walk under a newly installed surveillance camera in Newark, one of dozens of cameras that are part of a Police Department program that gives the public access to real-time video feeds and ask viewers to report suspicious activity.

Credit: Bryan Anselm for The New York Times

In Newark, Police Cameras, and the Internet, Watch You
Surveillance cameras monitored by the police have become a ubiquitous presence in many cities. In Newark, anyone with internet access is allowed to watch.

By Rick Rojas

  • June 9, 2018

    NEWARK — The camera perched above the bus stop sends back a continuous feed from the corner of 16th Avenue and South 18th Street in Newark’s West Ward. Regular customers come and go from Max’s, a convenience store, and a man without a shirt paces aimlessly on the same slice of pavement. Anyone with a fast internet connection and a desire to watch could also see Fernando Demarzino stepping out of his cousin’s barbershop.

“My girlfriend called and told me what I had in my hand,” Mr. Demarzino said on a recent evening as he stood within the camera’s line of sight. His girlfriend had heard about official camera feeds that had recently been made available online, and she was checking out the spot where she knew she was likely to find Mr. Demarzino. He had change in his hand, and she jokingly told him the image was sharp enough for her to count out three quarters. She also spotted his Jeep parked on the street.

Surveillance cameras are an inescapable fixture of the modern city. Law enforcement agencies have deployed vast networks to guard against terrorism and combat street crime. But in Newark, the police have taken an extraordinary step that few, if any, other departments in the country have pursued: They have opened up feeds from dozens of closed-circuit cameras to the public, asking viewers to assist the force by watching over the city and reporting anything suspicious.

The newly installed cameras look out over strips of storefronts (some bustling and others seemingly dead), public housing complexes and rows of family homes.

“It’s not just Big Brother,” said Amol Sinha, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey. “There’s an infinite number of siblings here.”

‘Use It, Not Abuse It’
It is easy to spot the symptoms of Newark’s enduring struggle with poverty and blight — blocks with crumbling buildings, crater-pocked roads and storefronts whose metal grates are pulled down well before sunset. Yet also visible are signs of transformation, with mushrooming development downtown and many businesses moving in. Newark is even a finalist in Amazon’s prolonged municipal pageant to find a base for its second headquarters.


Screenshots from videos taken by Newark’s surveillance cameras.CreditNewark Public Safety Department
The city’s reputation has been clouded by years of ranking among the nation’s most violent communities. In 2013, Newark had the third-highest murder rate, with about 112 homicides, according to federal data, but last year, murders fell to a historic low, with about 70 homicides recorded.

The relationship between law enforcement and the city’s largely African-American and Latino population has been strained by long-running complaints of harsh policing tactics and racial profiling along with the memories of the deadly riots half a century ago. In 2016, the results of a lengthy federal investigation only confirmed those suspicions, finding that most of the police’s pedestrian stops were unjustified, use of force had been underreported and minorities were stopped more often than whites. The investigation led to the installation of a federal monitor and a consent decree.

Officials said the picture is improving with fewer people registering complaints about police misbehavior. Ras J. Baraka, Newark’s mayor, said that the citizen patrol program was a significant piece of a broader effort to mend ties with residents.

The program started in April with 62 cameras placed in areas where officers are called often or locations with heavy foot traffic. Under each camera is a sign advising “This Area Is Under Video Surveillance.” Over 100 additional cameras are expected in the coming months, and eventually, the police said, the video will be accessible from a smartphone app.

police have established surveillance centers where officers can watch incoming feeds from some 30,000 closed-circuit cameras.

Still, criminologists and surveillance experts say research has shown that cameras have had a limited influence in deterring crime. The devices can be hugely beneficial after a crime, however, helping investigators to understand what happened and to identify suspects. In New York, surveillance video was cited as an important aid in tracking down the man later convicted of setting off a bomb in 2016 in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan.

napping in her dorm’s common room at Yale University, or in April when a white woman complained that two African-American men were grilling in an Oakland, Calif., park.

“Not only is the program not likely to reduce crime,” said Eric L. Piza, a former Newark police crime analyst and associate professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, “it has the potential to lead police to respond to situations they should not be responding to.”

Researchers were aware of few other similar efforts in which a video surveillance network has been made so widely available. In New Jersey, the Camden County Police started a community watch program in 2014 in which residents could apply to have restricted access to the department’s “eye in the sky” cameras in their neighborhoods.


Fernando Demarzino said his girlfriend told him that she had spotted him on a surveillance video as he walked out of a barbershop.
Credit: Bryan Anselm for The New York Times
Mr. Sinha, of the civil liberties union, said the only comparable video feeds with such unlimited access were those showing traffic or beach conditions. “This is expansive,” he said of the Newark program, “and its stated purpose is to have people snitch on one another.”

Another Set of Eyes
Officials say the cameras do not have facial recognition technology or the ability to track specific individuals or vehicles. (The cameras were made by Panasonic, a major corporate presence in Newark.) Mr. Baraka also said that the program was still in its early stages, and it might take some time to figure out the pitfalls.

Still, he and other officials dismissed the privacy worries over the cameras, arguing that they are part of a modern climate in which the prying eyes of technology — whether from private security cameras, social media or cellphones — were difficult to evade. If anything, officials said, the police needed to embrace technology to help fight crime.

“It’s definitely an aid to the police and detectives,” Mr. Ambrose said. “It’s just another set of eyes that’s helping us.”

The debate over the cameras has also underscored the mood in some parts of Newark where residents see the increased surveillance as a trade-off they are willing to make to improve conditions.

Mr. Demarzino, 54, knows well the violence that has gripped the city: His brother, he said, was fatally shot in 1995, and he was shot during a carjacking.

“That camera’s going to save a lot of lives,” he said, nodding to the one overhead. “Trust me.”

He called out to Latoya Jackson, standing on the stoop of her salon across the street. The intersection has the corner store, the barbershop, a drugstore, an old sports bar with a door and windows that had been boarded up. Ms. Jackson, a native of Newark, opened the salon in March, its logo the wavy signature she had practiced since she was in third grade.

Like many residents, she was unaware of the public access to the video. She did not know she could see, any time of the day or night, a feed showing the front of her salon.

“That’s good and bad,” Ms. Jackson said. As a business owner, “it’s free security,” she said. “But it’s not good for me as a civilian person.”


Live to Strive
May 4, 2012
I mean a couple of towns in Jersey need hear murder stories every damn week...

if it can be a deterrent or at least stop wild shootings where innocent people get hurt then so be it


Apr 5, 2015
I mean a couple of towns in Jersey need hear murder stories every damn week...

if it can be a deterrent or at least stop wild shootings where innocent people get hurt then so be it
Justifying bullshyt. They experiment these procedures with black people first like everything and then trickle it out everywhere else. You know they'll wait for these nikkas to shoot it out and then come around right?

Brothers in Newark need work, guidance and opportunity, that's the issue here, that's the same issue in Chicago
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Live to Strive
May 4, 2012
Justifying bullshyt. They experiment these procedures with black people first like everything and then trickle it out everywhere else. You know they'll wait for these nikkas to shoot it out and then come around right?

Brothers in Newark need work, guidance or opportunity, that's the issue here, that's the same issue in Chicago

I'm with you on economic opportunities


Nov 1, 2015
Justifying bullshyt. They experiment these procedures with black people first like everything and then trickle it out everywhere else. You know they'll wait for these nikkas to shoot it out and then come around right?

Brothers in Newark need work, guidance or opportunity, that's the issue here, that's the same issue in Chicago


Black communities are always the staging grounds of rights infringing activities because we lack the political capitol to rebuff them. Furthermore it lends the credence of legitimacy through precedence and whats good for the goose is good for the gander, especially when no one spoke up when it was "justified" being used against black communities. Rinse and repeat.
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Mar 11, 2015
"The city’s reputation has been clouded by years of ranking among the nation’s most violent communities. In 2013, Newark had the third-highest murder rate, with about 112 homicides, according to federal data, but last year, murders fell to a historic low, with about 70 homicides recorded."

Clearly they are working :yeshrug:. I don't see why some of yall in here crying.


Nov 1, 2015
"The city’s reputation has been clouded by years of ranking among the nation’s most violent communities. In 2013, Newark had the third-highest murder rate, with about 112 homicides, according to federal data, but last year, murders fell to a historic low, with about 70 homicides recorded."

Clearly they are working :yeshrug:. I don't see why some of yall in here crying.

correlation does not imply causation


Jun 11, 2012
Bet you that amazon hq2 is coming to Newark and this is their way of preparing for it. Maybe that explains why there's new jersey is also might be legalizing reactional weed by the end of June which explains why trump is talking about possibly making protections for states with legal weed. Can't be a coincidence.