MessageThis is far more truth than you realize....there were consequences, for both blacks and whites, if black folk went TOO far with freedom of speech and fame/ financial freedom.
MessageThis is far more truth than you realize....there were consequences, for both blacks and whites, if black folk went TOO far with freedom of speech and fame/ financial freedom.
"And my brother is catching hell at Home"Man they had a sketch where Al sharpton and Farakhan did the old Abbott and Costello whos on first.
But it was jews on first and whitey on 3rd or something like that.....
The shyt could never ever ever be done today.
Or the revenge of Farakhan sketch.....
The subtle hint at Sulu's sexuality.
I was listening to a review of Family Guy a few weeks back and they mentioned how misogynistic Peter was in the earlier episodes. I wouldn't call him a misogynist, he was just written like most TV sitcom dads, passively dismissive of women but could recognize their value when important. Around the time FG was "uncancelled" in the early 2000s they started writing sitcom dads like children's cartoons had been writing them for years; too stupid to live. I'd say it was around 03/04 that shows like ILC would never have made it to air. This was the rollback of what heretofore was increasingly liberated television content.