Victoria Justice was all over Nick and was on 3 of his shows you know he tore her sexy ass up.
victorious was a very demonic show
They got a whole article on the show's Wiki about the tons of sexual innuendo with a episode by episode list of all the sexual things from the show -
Innuendo <- link
it's pretty blatant with him, someone linked this in one of the threads about him before.

at the comment section with all the perv middle names people online have given over the years for Dan Schneider it's been a running gag for a while now
"Dan "wipe that tear, it's for your career" Schneider strikes again"
"Dan "The Itsy Bitsy" Schneider He'll crawl up your daughter's spout."
"Dan "Hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider
Dan "Suck my dikk and you can be on Nick" Schneider
Dan "The man from cunny¢han" Schneider
Dan "Van" Schneider"
"Dan "Open Wider" Schneider will burn in hell for his abuse of innocent little girls!"
"Dan "Eight is the new eighteen" Schneider"
"Can ANYONE stop "Beer Can" "Ass Man" "Candy Man" "Family Man" Dan "the Man in the Van with the Plan" Schneider?"
"Dan "Take it in the anus if you want to be famous" Schneider"
"Dan "Put her in the van" Schneider, leaves his mark again"
"Dan "Hold her down, I'm going to town" Schneider"
"Danny Daycare strikes again"
"Dan "The Kidler Fiddler" Schneider strikes again."
"Dan "Say goodbye to your brown eye" Schneider"
"Dan “The Cheek Divider” Schneider does it again....."
"Dan "get in the van" Schneider"
This. There's a long ass clip of a young Arianne Grande taking, I think, donut or cupcake cream to the face. Blatantly caught a facial on tv.

How does that even get passed the FCC.
I think you talking bout this which wasn't on tv it was on their website for the show.
Everybody was talking bout how blatantly sexual it was, nikka had her
- brushing her teeth (in his mind with his cum)
- holding a carrot sticking out like a hard dikk and "stroking it"
- kissing her stuffed animal on the lips while looking
at him into the camera then hiding the unicorn so only the horn was sticking up like a dikk and rubbing it on her face
- talking bout getting a potato's "juice" then roleplaying stroking a cock while groaning/moaning/squealing like a pornstar (even making sounds like she getting strangled by cock/cum) and begging for
him "the potato" to give up the juice then moving her head like it was shooting on her face at the end
- talking about pulling her hair back and rubbing
the cum honey all over her face
- sticking a big tweezer into an olive like a penis going into a vagina (then pulling out the pimiento as if giving birth)
- mentioning she's a teenage girl and getting on her bed upside down like a pornstar saying "mmm I'm thirsty!" then
shooting cum pouring water all over her face neck and in her mouth while squealing