Even if it isn’t rolling, pretty crazy that a young girl is saying that in a room full of adultscac in the background: "and the camera was rolling"
Apparently this is getting close to breaking out.
Media is complicit too
He got that Tarantino fetish going on...
That's Disney money tho....good luck trying to get anyone to sell out Da Mouse....
Please call them out.
among the jew "ish"
They condone it in the torah.
Apparently this is getting close to breaking out.
Media is complicit too
Yes i know about degrassi
because they made him dl gay breh on the show he was molested?Again the show is/was filmed in a real school, very small production. This isn't hollywood home schooled live on the set status fam.
so who is they? I assume you are referring to hollywood the industry isn't based out here. y'all reaching now