The Amerikkkan Idol
The Amerikkkan Nightmare
I already told my wife, if anyone tries to approach us about our daughter being a model or getting into child acting, i'm beating they ass. Too many fukking pedophiles and no way in hell im putting my daughter in that situation.
Good choice!

theres definitley illimunati sex ring type of shyt going on in all avenues of entertainment and politics,I just choose to believe black people aren't apart of it at large. Unless they are knee deep with powerful jewish people,then you should be worried. nikkas ain't getting in that close unless they got dirt on they hands,or they think they can turn em.
nikka, there's nikkaz doing all kinds of debaucherous shyt in damn near every Black church in Amerikkka.
Look at Eddie Long disgusting ass
You think they aint doin' it in Hollyweird?
and absolutley not,certain cultures have different things. African American people are not into kids,you couldn't get away with it on as large a scale as these people have for such a long period. Michael Jackson was well loved and well connected and got taken down quick for even appearing to be on some funny shyt. nikkas would not tolerate this shyt going on for long without blowing the lid off the operation
I don't doubt women and probably men are being victimized in our industry though. But what adults decide to do is different than kids
Dude, the Black church done had so many molesters it don't make no sense.
Why you think the church produces so many homos?
I find it funny that the media sees Europe as an "escape" for these perv cacs when there is the home of the world's biggest pedophiles![]()
Dude, in France like last week, they ruled that a 28 year-old man had "consensual sex" with an 11 year old girl
A 28-year-old had sex with an 11-year-old. Under French law, it’s not necessarily rape.
By Amanda Erickson September 27
That's how a 28-year-old man lured an 11-year-old child back to his apartment when the pair met in April. The man had approached the girl twice before. This time, she followed him back to his home in a Paris suburb. Once inside, the pair had sex in a stairwell.
Afterward, the girl told her parents, who went to the police. The man, they said, had raped their daughter. But this week, French prosecutors declined to charge the man with that crime. They had no evidence, they said, that he had been violent or that he'd constrained the girl or threatened her. And under French law, that means the girl had “consented” to sex.
Instead, the man has been charged with sexual abuse of a minor. He will go on trial in February.
The girl's attorney, Carine Diebolt, denounced the prosecutors' decision. The defendant was aggressive with the girl, Diebolt said. He threatened to ruin her reputation if she told anyone. The lawyer argued, too, that a child can never meaningfully consent to sex with an adult, no matter what. “We should not even have this debate when it comes to a child,” Diebolt said. “There is a difference between curiosity and consent to a sexual act with a 28-year-old guy in a staircase.”
The girl's mother also criticized the decision, saying her daughter had been “paralyzed” by fear at the time and, therefore, been “unable to defend herself.”
“She thought it was too late, that she didn’t have the right to protest, that it wouldn’t make any difference, so she went into autopilot, without emotion and without reaction,” the mother told Mediapart, an online news site.
The attorney of the accused argued, however, that his client (a father of two) thought he had “explicit consent.” He also said that the man didn't know how old the girl was. (The girl contests this claim, saying that at their second meeting, she showed him a notebook that listed her age.) The lawyer also said that the girl had sent naked pictures of herself to strangers, describing her as “fearless.”
Children's rights groups, outraged by the case, have urged lawmakers to rewrite the laws. “The question of consent or its absence should never arise for minor rape victims,” the Voice of the Child organization said. France's High Council for Equality Between Women and Men has called for a statutory threshold.
Under French law, an act can qualify as rape only if there is violence or a threat of violence during a sexual act. Though the age of consent is 15, sex with a minor does not automatically qualify as rape in France, like it does in other countries. Instead, sex with someone under the age of consent constitutes a sexual offense punishable by five years in prison and a fine of $88,000. In Britain, Germany and Spain, there is an “irrefutable presumption of an absence of consent” in all sex acts against those younger than 16.
And there's a good reason for that. As experts explain, child rape victims often switch off during the act itself as a coping mechanism. “Submitting is not consenting,” one expert told Le Figaro.