Black girl white guy definitely has less negativity attributed from what I've seen. White people tend to dap males up and call them brave etc.. And black women usually get pass from family usually negativity coming from black males and even that is merely situational(vast majority either just walk past or couple of

faces then walk past).
Black males dating out get it from everyone. Family, other blacks including males, femalesand definitely whites, maybe they are exemt from white woman or if he's dating a fat/ugly one which tends to happen.
My uncle from Ghana recently warned me not to marry these Canadian girls(white) because a lot of problems occur in the marriage due to the being very different from another. He told me his bro married one and now is paying out the ass for child support. Another one of my cousins married one and she didn't want the dudes parents living with them just for a brief time, ots common for africans to have people over living wirh them for a while especially family members. Now he wants to file a divorce...
Definitely agreed and I personally don't see myself marrying a woman that isn't black. Also my dad pretty much straight told me to marry a black woman preferably an African one