movie is awful,.....
plus it missed an oppurtunity to create a new black action star.
columbiana has so many horrific plot lines and holes.
that needed to be present and recieve closure for it to draw in a female assassin's movie.
especially a black female assassin's movie,.....
movie is sucker punch awful........
just the fact the time line made no sense.
case in point, the floppy disk drive computer.
in a foreign country having a memory disk drive to the xena comix.
plus the fact that it never showed her phuck'n training after making a huge issue about it, ruin it.
whomever made this movie did not understand the crowd.
or genre who this type of movie generally draws with.
once catalyia was a lil girl talembout being trained,...
it made it comparable to the professional.
plus would have to outdo the professional for starters.
where it would have had to outdo the professional and matilda's psuedo training by leon.
in columbiana that never takes place in the movie.
yet they ripoff matilda's escape from the professional.
after that, the movie is nuffin but bullsh!t,...
it is only good if you like zoe's ol breatplate no titty having ass.
plus she shows no titty meat.
plus her character is made to look as weak as lara croft in tombrwider ii from her goof ass love interest.
[case in point, the beginning she is cute in the wig. till you see them drag her in the station and look at her chest and it looks like a lil boy with a wig on. i only gave her the benefit of the doubt amd suspended belief cause i was hoping i would get at least a reputable black assassin movie. even if it was zoe's ol sellout skinnay jean body ass. ].
or you are curious just to see her in a lone action role.
besides that, not missing nuffin in particular.
i think the movie kills her draw actually.
art barr