Tessa Blanchard, who was released by IMPACT earlier this year, was expected to have signed with either AEW or WWE by now but has been noticeably missing in action, having wrestled only once since the pandemic began. The Observer Newsletter reports that her "destination" is not going to be AEW because when her name came up as a potential signee, company officials agreed that while her talent was undeniable and her addition would bolster their women's division, they were not going to pursue her.
Good for AEW.
She's gonna be out of action stateside for a hot minute.

Brehs really thought she'd be brought back post-haste when Trips (Who is a noted Flair stan and Four Horseman groupie) PASSED on signing her after the MYC a few years back and AEW (Who desperately needs all the help it can get in it's women's division) has now said they're not pursuing her at least twice. She can't even go to a few promotions in Japan because she acted an ass there, too.
Her talent level and potential aren't that vast that companies will overlook so many red flags and character flaws.