It's amazing to me that the majority of the reputation damage from this situation isn't even to Tessa. It's to all the people trotting out here with their Spartan shields tryna build some deflection phalanx around this woman like it's going to somehow improve their situation by shielding her from criticism.
And it seems like most of them - Tessa included - lack the awareness that, the second you respond to someone doing something objectionable to a level of racism with 'nobody's perfect'... you're not only admitting it probably happened but you're handwaving the action away as something that isn't indicative of someone's character. But it'd be the same people to act like casual sexism is something that speaks to who that person is for the rest of their life, they can never change, it's a permanent mark.
Melissa Santos can get the fukk off somewhere, Kiera Hogan can drag her wagon on to the next town and while I'll watch it go, I'll be happy to see it disappear. Scorpio Sky out here tryna cape solely because it serves him to have someone else rehab because of the past stuff that got trotted out about him, but man... this situation coulda just been Tessa going down for decisions Tessa made and actions Tessa went through with. The fact that they let this sturdy-jawed jawn drag down not only most of a wrestling promotion, but a bunch of tangentially-connected people from across the industry who felt like tryna cape for her in the face of the accusations... yeesh. Could you imagine people jumping out the window tryna protect the reputation of Sexy Star when she tried to cripple Rosemary?
Oh. Wait. Of course not. That was a brown woman trying to hurt a white one. They bushed that bytch clean out of wrestling. No bookings no nothing. Meanwhile, Tessa Blanchard becomes the first world's champion in an intergendered promotion.