IMO More black men should become asexual until they achieved their dreams


Nov 27, 2012
Me personally I consider my self mostly asexual. I read theres a correlation between not desiring sex and being intelligent which makes sense because im highly intelligent. I have a 120 something IQ and a INTJ personality type so the avg mothafukker cant be me in that regard BUT I wanna give y'all some game from a man thats highly gifted and bright. Y'all not gonna get this from y'all burned out ass homeboys. let DrX be your big brother, best friend (only online of course, don't talk to me IRL nikka)

I discovered not having sex is beneficial. It allow u over time to fall in love with yourself and your dreams. You become interested in other things than chasing women. Now I can appreciate women more anyway. U start researching topics outside of worldly shyt. I could probably go the rest of my life without p*ssy and be content if I had to. At this point I would only have sex to satisfy my partner.

I have BIG DREAMSof building an empire. If I ever have a family I can make life easier for them and give them the things I never had. Growing up a poor only child taught me valuable lessons about life I never would've had otherwise.

I want to travel the globe one day and swear to god before I die I'm going to make it happen.

I'm sitting back with my feet kicked up, listening to post Malone congratulations instrumental on repeat having beautiful visions of a Utopian black society. One where black people live in peace and the streets are safe for the righteous.

Sometimes I feel like god gave my the power to change the world and that its up to me to use my gifts and high caliber mental abilities to change the things that I see.

I think brothers aka the black man need to stop chasing p*ssy so much and chase your dreams because when u see DrX and hes pushing the mustang topless with the titties out in his 40's. you're going to be walking down the street broke with a receding hairline carrying plastic bags looking defeated. And all I can do is look throught the rare view with compassion as I blow past.

Black men need to forget about women for now. These females are fukked up mentally and narcissist anyway. Get your resources together first so u can demand respect and do the R. Kelly thing and create a harem if u want. But the point is...we need to love yourselves and follow our dreams

Having sex means unwanted money,pregnancies, STD's and crazy bytches scorned trying to sabotage your name and credibility
Your depressing threads usually have some good points but have you ever realized two people working towards the same goal are always better than one?

That's why "behind every great man..." is a saying. I've seen the change just in my inner circle. Dudes get married and all of sudden they become hustlers after ignoring my attempts to wake them up for years.

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
I talked mad shyt about X when it came to this asexuality topic, but I'm thinking of hopping on this wave too :patrice:

I just don't like women like I used to, at least on a personal level, just strictly physical... and I'm not gay or attracted to men. So it only leaves one option