Bruh I'm telling you right now do not do it you are making the worst mistake of your life.
I went for my birthday back in 2016 had a blast out there and thought I met a innocent bad ass one in Puerto plata. I even had Dominican dudes pulling me to the side asking where I had found her cause they thought she was extra fine. I was all boo'd up with her on the beach my last 2 days looking like a couple. She cried when I dropped her off back at her house to catch my flight back.
Man when I touched down in Miami all the TSA agents told me straight up the realness
TSA "You had fun?"

Me:"Hell yeah bruh!!!"
TSA "they were all over you weren't they?"

Me:"man it was like a a got damn music video"
TSA:"they cooked for you, fukked you good, and told you to come back too huh?"

Me:" man I ain't never been treated like that before"
TSA agents: "their all whores... All of them are whores don't believe anything they say and don't send them any money"

"but I found me a good one man she wasn't like the ones we were partying with the first couple of days"
TSA agents:

"I'm telling you she's a whore too..."
The whore
2 months later I saw her post photos with her and this white boy together kissing on a yacht