So you want D Bry to be missing to have his fans bytch even more.........................
They cant even evolve storylines cause of yall ass holes.......

so ...its the fans fault for their shytty writing? no one will bytch if they simply DO THEIR JOB and explain whats happening to Bryan. They could do a video at that wyatt compound with Bryan being held captive and Bray cutting a promo. They could do a video with Bryan escaping somehow and show it on Raw. its not that hard. even video footage of him being found in the parking lot by punk or Brie would help. The fans aren't holding them back they're just a bunch of lazy fukks plain and simple. he came back and simply had a match with Rowan because IT WAS THE EASIEST thing to do.
The Kane abduction was stupid because they took him, he disappeared, there was basically no follow up, he came back had a small scuffle with them, turned heel and that was it. Poor writing. Thats the problem