Field Marshall Bradley
Life has always been this way
Life has always been this way
who cares, were nothing but evolved monkeys, stop putting man and womyn on a pedestal. Besides pleasure is the ultimate reward out of life, morals are ultimatley fluid and relative to culture and customs. This is 2015 breh, we live in a secular world, either get with the times or be content with your bullsht parameters- dont think your gonna restrict me or others with your outdated and dogatic lifestyle.
He specifically said females that he finds unattractive getting more "worth". Nothing about colorism/white supremacy but i'll answer still answer your question.
1. Again, being aggy that someone you don't find attractive is getting attention and feeling too good about themselves for your tastes, is some insecure, crab ass shyt.
2. Even if we take it to the level you took it, I don't have any qualms with it, not in the sense that I would want to knock "whites and brights" self esteem down a peg. I would rather lift the person on the other end up and show them how to generate their own love and positive self image.
Hmmm. That's all I needed to read in order to tell me I'd waste a wealth of time speaking with you. Good day.
Thread/Too many women nowadays wanna be Kim Kardashian. She started that whole trend and you know how sheep follow the herd.
Hmmm. That's all I needed to read in order to tell me I'd waste a wealth of time speaking with you. Good day.
Would you rather make $50/hr giving your dikk to females or work an office job
- blackierobinson
Gotta find a good woman that's the only recourse .
Growing up to see a boob I had to wait till like Friday at 12am for some old Shannon tweed film etc.
Now internet every cellphone got a browser I remember being young having a TV in my room was a big deal lol, now kids can watch a woman getting raped and it turns them on.
The music is so sexualized , fashion , its disgusting and yeah you hypersexual negros glop it up like pigs at a trough
This actually helps a lot.Turn off your tv and computer. Problem solved breh.
This is very true.I remember in the late 90s when a gurl was bad and she undervalued how fine she was. Now that shyt doesn't exist