Fiji Water
Every moment is an opportunity
You have verified that the child is yours through DNA and yet you still do not want to officially claim the child. Your reason being you want leverage over the mother?
Is all of what I stated above correct? If so, are you really on here stating that your need to have leverage over the woman is more important than actually having full rights to your child to make sure it is raised as well as possible and is prepared for the future? The child is yours, you know this, so why are you shirking your full responsibility to that child?
You are already too late when it comes to the mother. If she was for the streets as you said, you messed up messing with her in the first place. You messed up a second time having sex with her without protection being used by you and her. Now that the child is here, it is time for you to actually be a grown man and take care of that child.
Seeing some guys dap you up on your choice to use your child as pawn in your attempts to control its mother is very telling to me about their true mentality if they do not see anything wrong with that.
Breh...take care of your daughter, sign the paperwork or you are gonna destroy an innocent girl....
Get full-custody if you can!
If you don't want to deal with the mom, fine. But using your child as a bargaining chip is not ok. Sign the birth certificate and be a proper father.
Im not delaying anything and I'm here in every single way, every single day.

The leverage is inherent to the situation, not part of a plan. Lol. I'm gonna move into my apartment and that should be enough to be secure if and when she wants to start a custody battle. I never said I had a need for it, I simply see how it's beneficial at this time.
The whole legal process is not free or even cheap, so please miss me with how fast I need to do this. It needs to be done CORRECTLY more importantly than anything.
This person gets angry and threatens me with custody battles all the time. In order for that to happen, a court admissable DNA test must happen, then she has to file for whatever rights she wants. I'm not gonna just blindly walk into that shyt.
And again, in the meantime, I spend more than 75 percent of time with my daughter and pay for about half of her needs. Also got my insurance coming thru to cover her.