This dude is claiming that the Prophet was killed by his own wife, poisoned, like a bumbling fool. Only a fool would have that lack of character to marry a women who would eventually kill him. How could a true Prophet of god, if they believe this to be so, not get any revelations as to his own wife poisoning him? It's stuff like this that makes me think that Israel really should bomb these people
They literally believe that a 12th Imam is hiding in some kind of Cave waiting to come and take over the world once some war is started, he's in some cave.
They give "Fatwa's" on the most absurd religious matters. One of their top priests (Marjah's) said one day that all Movies should be banned, they are evil and an affront to God. After a while he saw a movie on a dude in Iran dressing up and pretending to be a woman so that he can go to America. The dude laughed and said that movies were no longer prohibited.