Civic, the distinction between these two things is incredibly relevant.
From my response, you can see that I obviously thought you meant a helium balloon. Nobody ever (
EVER) refers to hot-air balloons in the manner you did. When someone wants to distinguish between a helium balloon (which floats) and a hot-air balloon (which floats), they use the phrase "hot-air". You simply said air.
No one calls gravity a "powerful universal force". This is another easily debunked Flerf talking point that you got from a closed Facebook group.
Gravity is a weak force. Every single scientific publication states this:
Actually, gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces. Ordered from strongest to weakest, the forces are 1) the strong nuclear force, 2) ...
Facts about the four fundamental forces that describe every interaction in nature.
You are, again, arguing against strawmen arguments.
"Gas" is not a force. A force is
an influence that can change the motion of an object. Forces have direction and a magnitude. "Gas" does not have direction nor magnitude.
Another argument from incredulity fallacy. It does not matter that the concept is confusing TO YOU. This is why you are a Flat Earther-- you don't understand scientific concepts, as they are too difficult for you. But instead of taking the time to understand them, you have gone off the rails, and instead have dedicated your time to undermining them because you don't understand them.
Fam, it is entirely OK to not understand these things, and it has been obvious from your first post that you don't. But what is not OK, is making shyt up and lying about scientific organizations and people because you don't understand them. It only takes effort to learn things.
Here you are demonstrating that you don't understand gravity. This will only happen in space, away from the gravitational influence of the Earth.
The Earth has a large gravity well, compared to a ball that is on Earth. Earth's gravity is larger than the ball, so the water will instead be pulled to the Earth, instead of sticking to the ball.
What's more is that what you are asking for, you will deny, because whenever someone produces images from space, you say the image is fake. Stop asking for things you don't want. You are not here to learn, you are here to deny reality-- that is your goal here.
Another incredible misunderstanding of natural phenomena.

The Earth's shadow is NOT what causes the phases of the moon, where the hell are you getting your information from?
The phases of the Moon are due to the
Sun's light on its surface, which is influenced by the Earth's and Moon's orbit.
You literally don't even understand the scientific principles that you are arguing against