I'm A Black Christian

Oct 16, 2015
1) It was a life long period for me but I always knew inside just off of instinct, I used to side with atheists and non believers and not understand why I felt so strange about religion, the harder I fought it the worse off I was as a person doing nasty things. He reminded me who I was through a vision, when I was a kid about 4 I stole a candy bar on accident when I put it in my pocket for later at the store and forgot it, I pulled it out in the car and had the option to keep it or tell my parents, I chose to tell my parents and do the right thing, I had forgotten that memory but it came back to me in a flash when I was goin through some things not too long ago, it reminded me who I am and I realized I was lost and behaving unlike myself, some people like myself fall off the path and into Satan's grasp. It boils down to perspective, you have to leave your ego behind and acknowledge you don't know jack about anything and only Christ can give you true clarity.

How do you know that supposed vision came from the national god of Israel Yahweh and not the Sumerian deity Anu?

2) The universe itself is a miracle breh, all the conditions necessary for life are PERFECT right here on Earth, people think science disproves God when God created said science:bryan:Have you seen the circulatory system? How does that happen by accident?:why:

:comeon:you know damn well what im talking about. Why ain't there no superhumans like Samson anymore? Why ain't there no large scale supernatural events like the parting if the red sea? Why ain't angels appearing to humans anymore?

3) This relates to my first answer, interestingly enough I think I encountered one in a dream or vision. A year ago I was into meditation and other new age trickery(just another deception I fell for) and so one night I'm layin in bed with my girl and decide to lay back and try to meditate, my head started BANGING with pain 15 minutes in and I sat up and suddenly I had this urge to go to my car. As I walk past the kitchen I see some being/humanoid with no face but only a shadow out of the corner of my eye, I turn around to go get another look then all of a sudden I can't move:sadcam: I started getting these emotions of fear and terror and I was shaking and frozen in place, then I saw it's ink black hand wrap around the corner, next thing I know I'm in bed and my eyes are open but I'm seeing Hebrew letters flashing in front of me (I don't read Hebrew but I knew what they were off rip and felt "intention" from them) The words were telling me I'm safe I think. Crazy thing is I know other people with stories just like this. I told my home boy the next day and he had similar things happen to him before. I thought it was sleep paralysis at first but I know I was out of my body in some way.
1. How do you know what the words meant if you can't read Hebrew?
2. Why didn't god speak to you in a language you could understand?
3. Are you sure you weren't high or drunk?

4) If I have I don't know what it looked like, back when I was on my meditating steez I saw something faceless and covered in light descend on me once but I don't know what to make of that:yeshrug:


Vegan For a Reason
May 19, 2013
All these earth quakes, UFO sightings, deaths, blood moons, comets. The U.S. and its place in The Bible is being exposed, the economy is about to tank, peopel are straight WICKED nowadays and black people are getting killed in the street like dogs, children sold into sex slavery by the THOUSANDS, it's time for a hard reset, I;m heavy into revelations because everything is lining up with the book lately.

FEMA, NWO, Homeland Security buying bullets by the MIllions, all things I heard about in the past but couldn't connect. This all lines up with scripture, I know many Christians and others feel like something isn't right, we may try to ignore it but we all know something is wrong deep down.

Same things going on now have been happening


Chance 3 :wow: :blessed:
Jun 5, 2014
Darien Ga
How do you reconcile the numerous logical and historical inconsistencies in the Judeo-Christian tradition? E.g., there being no evidence whatsoever for the Exodus; polytheistic practices among the Israelites and even by Moses (research "standing stones" :dame: :sas2:); why does an all-powerful deity need to send a portion of himself to Earth as a man to redeem the sins of a race he created -- couldn't this deity just wipe the slate clean :what:?
1) Give me specific examples.
2) Looking back over 3,000 years ago for evidence of people moving isn't easy but there is evidence.
3) He could but why would he destroy his creations that he loves? He chose to redeem us through his only son's death allowing us all access to Heaven.


Chance 3 :wow: :blessed:
Jun 5, 2014
Darien Ga
How do you know that supposed vision came from the national god of Israel Yahweh and not the Sumerian deity Anu?

:comeon:you know damn well what im talking about. Why ain't there no superhumans like Samson anymore? Why ain't there no large scale supernatural events like the parting if the red sea? Why ain't angels appearing to humans anymore?

1. How do you know what the words meant if you can't read Hebrew?
2. Why didn't god speak to you in a language you could understand?
3. Are you sure you weren't high or drunk?

Because Anu (Satan) works through deception and what I felt was fear and then safety, I felt like I had been saved from something. In the past people have worshiped false Idols brought to them in the image of Satan, he works through deceit so he won't pop up and claim he is Satan, he will appear as someone else and trick them into believing he is a god. Benevolent or otherwise.

1) It was instinctual, I can't know for sure but I felt the meaning burning into my head
2) He did, that feeling of safety and warmth was all I needed
3)I was sober:upsetfavre:

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
1) Give me specific examples.
2) Looking back over 3,000 years ago for evidence of people moving isn't easy but there is evidence.
3) He could but why would he destroy his creations that he loves? He chose to redeem us through his only son's death allowing us all access to Heaven.

I gave three examples in my post :dahell:

What evidence then?

And I didn't say to kill off humanity. This deity could just forgive humanity without sending a portion of himself to earth to be crucified to redeem the species... Makes no sense


Chance 3 :wow: :blessed:
Jun 5, 2014
Darien Ga
I gave three examples in my post :dahell:

What evidence then?

And I didn't say to kill off humanity. This deity could just forgive humanity without sending a portion of himself to earth to be crucified to redeem the species... Makes no sense
The Levi's in Israel for one, I'll get back to you on Exodus, I have some notes saved on my computer somewhere.

If that were the case there would be no acknowledgement of the fact we need to turn from our ways. If Yahusha hadn't been hung not only would we still be consumed by sin but we wouldn't even understand the grasp Lucifer has on us or the fact that God wants us to obey him. Would you let your children act up and forgive them in your head then proceed to give them all the things they want despite them acting like b*stards? No, you would spank them so they know there needs to be a change, some sort of punishment and system needs to be established.


Vegan For a Reason
May 19, 2013
9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

History repeats itself

The bible didnt prophecy anything that you can link directly to the bible