I'm 18 (Brehette), He's 48 (Old Cac Perv) – Now We Have Twins | LOVE DON’T JUDGE


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
This is disgusting :scust:.

I have younger sisters and if they ever started dating a man that old, my whole family would get involved to split them up. You have to wonder what was going on in her life before him. He’s a pervert and she’s a victim.
Real disgusting.. gurrrrlllll. That white pervert would have been dog food, no hesitation. Dudes in my neighborhood and my brothers would have dealt with that before he even had a chance to say hi. I have a daughter too, no way- wouldn’t need anyone on payroll to handle that white pedo faggit, they would do it for free.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
And Why is it so hard for these creeps to serve a long jail sentence?
Because the head mammies in charge aren’t out here doing outrage documentaries or their agent of cac protection like Dream Hampton and her ilk aren’t telling them what to think off lifetime movies , therefore they sleep under the media radar but like posters are saying; had this been a black man- we would be slow singing, strange fruit. Remember the threads when they were talking about throwing the book at black teenagers. Hmmm. They’ll be evil as shyt to their own race but this is met with indifference ..but a black man could be accused with no proof and accusations and it’s open season.
(Disclaimer.. this isn’t my page, the name is coincidence).
Jul 26, 2012
the reason you're are still more or less a child is for a few reasons.

#1 your brain isnt even fully developed yet. there's a reason you are quick to take a bunch of dumb a.. risk that you shouldnt when you're that age. you're brain isnt developed enough to say ehhhhh maybe i shouldnt try that. thats not smart. maybe i should do this instead.

^^just in case you thought i made that up. lets go to a reliable source. you can also just google " what age is a human brain fully developed?"

^^thats #1.

ask yourself why is 21 the age for legal drinking? now there are all sorts of reasons they agreed on that age. but they surely didnt say 18. and you know the beer and other alcohol companies would've loved for it to be 18 so they could get 3 more years worth of profits. But ask yourself, how many times have you seen a 21 year old drink him/herself into the ground? and think thats cute and cool?

now what if you couldnt get a drink until you were 25. do you know how many less alcoholics we would probably have? how many less DUI's you would probably see, traffic accidents, etc.

What if the legal driving age was 25. how many less accidents would you see?

all of the negative things about being that young are due to the above comments about the mind not being fully developed until around 25 yrs old. it doesnt mean no 25+ yr olds do stupid ish. they do. we all have. it doesnt mean you dont have bad drivers at age 40. we do. it means there would be a lot LESS of the stupid emotional moments. and you would have people that would not have created a bad addictive habit for themselves at such an early age why their mind was developing. so odds are less people would be addicted to things due to this.

why do you think the armed forces like 18 years old as an age? you're not in your prime strength/athleticism yet. that happens later in life. But what you do have is under developed minds without complete minds of their own that you can still some what mold. basically sheep you can heard and tell them what to do and they will do it. brainwashing someone is much easier to do with an 18 yr old than it is when you're 25 or 27 (your athletic/strength prime).

Why do you think most music artist skew younger? Its because the labels want to be able to use you up without you complaining about it and taking a stand. they can mess with your contracts and you wont be old enough to understand how and why this is happening to you. even if you're smart. they can over work you and you not say stop because you are a kid in the relationship. they know this. there's a reason they dont like to sign older artist often. they will have to Deal with a fully grown man or woman, they dont want that. even if you have talent.

Everything you just named has to do with societal conditioning, not brain chemistry or actual adulthood

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Because the head mammies in charge aren’t out here doing outrage documentaries or their agent of cac protection like Dream Hampton and her ilk aren’t telling them what to think off lifetime movies , therefore they sleep under the media radar but like posters are saying; had this been a black man- we would be slow singing, strange fruit. Remember the threads when they were talking about throwing the book at black teenagers. Hmmm. They’ll be evil as shyt to their own race but this is met with indifference ..but a black man could be accused with no proof and accusations and it’s open season.
(Disclaimer.. this isn’t my page, the name is coincidence).

Yeah, I'm still legit mad that Dream Hampton making speculation and exaggeration in a documentary and gotten R Kelly to jail over nonsense charges. Waited 17 years until she got the OK from Oprah to do so. Mind you, not a damn soul was talking about R Kelly before that.


All Star
Dec 27, 2017
the reason you're are still more or less a child is for a few reasons.

#1 your brain isnt even fully developed yet. there's a reason you are quick to take a bunch of dumb a.. risk that you shouldnt when you're that age. you're brain isnt developed enough to say ehhhhh maybe i shouldnt try that. thats not smart. maybe i should do this instead.

^^just in case you thought i made that up. lets go to a reliable source. you can also just google " what age is a human brain fully developed?"

^^thats #1.

ask yourself why is 21 the age for legal drinking? now there are all sorts of reasons they agreed on that age. but they surely didnt say 18. and you know the beer and other alcohol companies would've loved for it to be 18 so they could get 3 more years worth of profits. But ask yourself, how many times have you seen a 21 year old drink him/herself into the ground? and think thats cute and cool?

now what if you couldnt get a drink until you were 25. do you know how many less alcoholics we would probably have? how many less DUI's you would probably see, traffic accidents, etc.

What if the legal driving age was 25. how many less accidents would you see?

all of the negative things about being that young are due to the above comments about the mind not being fully developed until around 25 yrs old. it doesnt mean no 25+ yr olds do stupid ish. they do. we all have. it doesnt mean you dont have bad drivers at age 40. we do. it means there would be a lot LESS of the stupid emotional moments. and you would have people that would not have created a bad addictive habit for themselves at such an early age why their mind was developing. so odds are less people would be addicted to things due to this.

why do you think the armed forces like 18 years old as an age? you're not in your prime strength/athleticism yet. that happens later in life. But what you do have is under developed minds without complete minds of their own that you can still some what mold. basically sheep you can heard and tell them what to do and they will do it. brainwashing someone is much easier to do with an 18 yr old than it is when you're 25 or 27 (your athletic/strength prime).

Why do you think most music artist skew younger? Its because the labels want to be able to use you up without you complaining about it and taking a stand. they can mess with your contracts and you wont be old enough to understand how and why this is happening to you. even if you're smart. they can over work you and you not say stop because you are a kid in the relationship. they know this. there's a reason they dont like to sign older artist often. they will have to Deal with a fully grown man or woman, they dont want that. even if you have talent.
Your brain stops developing on its own at 25 yrs old, not you become mature at that age. A person who was 18 in the 70's would be more mature then now because they had more adult responsibilities.

They could change certain characteristics about themselves, but by 25, they would most likely be that way for the rest of their lives UNLESS they are forced to change. That is the meaning of your brain maturing at 25 yrs old. It's about character traits, not being mature with your decisions, that comes from personal choices you make at any age.

The guy with the 18 yrs old was grooming her, though. If he was black it would not be taken so light like it is with him


May 3, 2012
See how the standards drop when they get their :mjpls: on.
A 48 year old black man would need to be 6 foot, earning 6 figures and have 6 pack abs.
May 1, 2012
these chicks are really laying up with middle aged white men?

how the slavery angle doesnt bother them boggles the mind.....