Not at all. KD is a good man...he's just searching for something we couldn't give him. I try to use analogies that can resonate with even the most remedial posters on here.
I'm just messing with ya...
I understand if he want's to play with people he's closer to, I understand that he can expand his brand more in New York, I understand if he has issues with some of the players or management in GS
I don't think he owes anyone anything after giving GS everything he had... to the point where he's gonna miss an entire year of playing time...
But I think he owed it to steph to have a meeting with him, especially when Steph is flying all the way from China just to specifically meet and talk with KD
They say Steph been taking this hard since KD announced
Same thing goes with Kawhi, I don't think he owes anyone an explanation whatever he chooses, he just brought Toronto their first NBA Title, if he wants to team up with Bron and AD then that's his right, the goal is about winning titles, if he can win titles and make money then more power to the guy!