Be a presidential candidate with no security....
Have insane asylum mental head case lesbians threaten to turn your rally into Rwandan level chaos.
You can understand why stereotypes are in America by the behavior girls with the 90's Lil' Kim hairstyle.
#Blacklivesmatter campaign wouldn't even have the courage to do this at any GOP rally.
Watching this video literally made me sick to my stomach these bytches had to be paid off (I hope)
I have Jamaican girls with my bloodline and last name that will have to live with these (crazy black women stereotypes)
These girls would never even try this shyt on Obama because he would clown their behavior right there on the spot.
Choose to live under capitalism (white supremacy) and complain to the crowd of the candidate that wants to change that.
Did these girls parents forget to tell them it's not the 1800's anymore and they're free to go live somewhere else?
Demand respect while behaving senselessly wearing a Lil' Kim hairstyle from the 90's brehettes...
Now i understand exactly why things are the way they are.....