Anyone playing this on PC?
Just got the game and played my way to the sewers in Leons campaign. As a OG RE vet, I dont think its anywhere close to being as bad as people make out to be. It does have some getting used to but its not bad
I just wish i knew which campaign to start out with. I started out with Leon but I feel like the start of Chris' timeline might have happened first. Help me out brehs
This game is pure fukken piff
stopped playing RE after 2 glad i still have vivid memories of a legit survival horror game
never understood the need to kill that aspect of the game, the OTS gears style killed everything that was left of thegame for me
Play RE3 and the Remake dude.
dont have a gamecube but it looks interesting
And its one of the best games I've ever made. About a third of it is brand new as well.